An Iterative Actuation Method for Master-Slave Telemanipulation by Humanoid Robot Arm
Chase Call,Ethan Barlow,Tariq M. Arif,Hudson Hiatt,Parker Bentley
Abstract:Master-slave telemanipulation of a humanoid robot arm is one of the challenging and intuitive control tasks that is being studied to achieve human-like competency in remotely operated collaborative robots. Traditional inverse kinematics-based manipulation typically produces highly complex and non-unique solutions and has the risk of running into singularity conditions for a higher degree of freedom manipulator. On the other hand, pendant-based teaching manipulation is suitable for only predefined trajectories. As the use of telemanipulation is increasing in collaborative robots to support better human-robot interactions, it is becoming critical to explore alternative novel, simple, and innovative manipulation strategies. In this study, we propose an iterative search-based efficient actuation method for the telemanipulation of collaborative master-slave robot arms. The forward kinematic model used in the iterative algorithm is developed using Denavit-Hartenberg parameters, and a manipulation platform with data glove is designed to map the position and orientation of the master arm. Using the iterative algorithm, on average, the end-effector of the robot arm can be within 18.5 mm of required positions in a 106 mm3 sub-workspace (0.63% error). Our study also presents a series of experimental executions on hardware, iterations, and errors to demonstrate the performance and capabilities of the proposed algorithm.
Engineering,Computer Science