Entropy in Nanofluids
Giulio Lorenzini,Omid Mahian
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/e20050339
IF: 2.738
Abstract:first_page settings Order Article Reprints Font Type: Arial Georgia Verdana Font Size: Aa Aa Aa Line Spacing: Column Width: Background: Open AccessEditorial Entropy in Nanofluids by Giulio Lorenzini 1 and Omid Mahian 2,3,* 1 Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, Parma 43124, Italy 2 Center for Advanced Technologies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad 91775-1111, Iran 3 School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Entropy 2018, 20(5), 339; https://doi.org/10.3390/e20050339 Received: 26 April 2018 / Revised: 1 May 2018 / Accepted: 1 May 2018 / Published: 3 May 2018 (This article belongs to the Section Thermodynamics) Download Download PDF Download PDF with Cover Download XML Download Epub Browse Figure Versions Notes The study on entropy generation and exergy analysis in Nanofluid flows started in 2010 [1]. After this date, many other studies have been done on this topic such as [2,3,4,5,6]. Figure 1 shows the increase in the number of research and review articles in the field of entropy generation in nanofluid flows. The data are obtained from Scopus, by searching the keywords of “Nanofluids” or “Nanofluid” and “Entropy Generation” or “Exergy”. As shown, the interest to this subject has increased year by year so that in 2017 the number of articles reached more than 100. Because of high interest toward this area, in 2016 and 2017 we decided to serve as guest editors for two special issues on nanofluids. The total number of articles that have been published in the two special issues are 21 articles with more than 200 citations. The high number of citations shows the significance of this topic for researchers. Here, we give a summary of papers published in these two issues. In the first paper, Kolsi et al. [7] studied three-dimensional entropy generation due to natural convection in a cavity where a diamond-shaped body was installed in the middle of cavity. They used Al2O3–water nanofluid as the working fluid. It was found that total entropy generation increases with the increasing volume fraction of nanoparticles. In References [8,9,10,11,12], entropy generation due to nanofluid flow on stretching/shrinking surfaces has been studied at different conditions. Freidoonimehr et al. [13] modeled the magneto-hydrodynamics nanofluid flow over a porous disk by considering soret and dufour effects through the Homotopy Analysis Method. Li et al. [14] studied the entropy generation of Al2O3–water nanofluids in a microchannel with flow control devices including cylinder, rectangle, protrusion, and v-groove. They concluded that protrusion devices are the best option to achieve minimum entropy generation. In another work, Xie et al. [15] studied the effect of nanofluid on the entropy generation in rectangular channels with dimples and protrusions. It was encouraged to use dimples and protrusions in the channel since these reduce entropy generation. They showed that using nanoparticles, especially at low Reynolds numbers, leads to decreases in entropy generation. Rashidi et al. [16] studied the entropy generation of MHD blood flow of nanofluid due to peristaltic waves. Abbas [17] investigated analytically the entropy generation in the flow of peristaltic nanofluids in channels with compliant walls. Chamkha et al. [18] examined the entropy generation due to natural convection of Cu–water nanofluids in C-shaped cavity where a magnetic force is applied to the flow. Selimefendigil [19] simulated the entropy generation in an entrapped trapezoidal cavity with MHD flow using Al2O3–water nanofluid. Sheremet et al. [20] evaluated the entropy generation in a square cavity where a solid body was installed inside it using nanofluid. Nasiri et al. [21] studied the flow of Fe3O4–water nanofluid in a microchannel heat sink with offset fan-shaped reentrant cavities. Qasim et al. [22] simulated the entropy generation due to methanol-based nanofluid flow in a sinusoidal wavy channel. Bhatti et al. [23] determined the entropy generation on electro-kinetically modulated peristaltic propulsion in a microchannel using nanofluids by considering joule heating. Baskaya et al. [24] presented the entropy generation in an inclined channel under a magnetic field where a ferrofluid (Cu–water) fills the channel. Sheremet et al. [25] solved the entropy generation due to natural convection flow of nanofluids in a cavity with non-uniform distribution of temperature on the left wall by considering the effects of Brownian motion and thermophoresis. In the last work, Al-Rashed et al. [26] studied the entropy generation due to 3D natural convection flow of Carbon Nanotubes(CNTs)–water nanofluids in a square cavity where a baffle with arbitrary velocity could rotate inside it.In most of the studies mentioned above, it was concluded that adding nanoparticles leads to heat transfer enhancement, and on the other hand, entropy generation reduces with an increase in the volume concentration of nanoparticles.It is suggested for future studies that authors:Investigate the effects of different thermophysical models (especially correlations developed based on experimental data) on entropy generation rate;Use both two-phase mixture model and single-phase models and compare the results;Investigate new configurations;Investigate entropy generation in new application of nanofluids, as most of the present studies are limited to classic problems such as flow on sheets or inside cavities and ducts;Consider the prediction of entropy generation using soft computing approaches like neural network;Conduct a comparison between entropy generation rates of different nanoparticles and base fluids to recognize the optimum nanofluid from the second law of thermodynamics viewpoint. Conflicts of InterestThe author declare no conflict of interest.ReferencesSingh, P.K.; Anoop, K.B.; Sundararajan, T.; Das, S.K. Entropy generation due to flow and heat transfer in nanofluids. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 2010, 53, 4757–4767. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Mahian, O.; Mahmud, S.; Wongwises, S. Entropy Generation Between Two Rotating Cylinders with Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Using Nanofluids. J. Thermophys. Heat Transf. 2012, 27, 161–169. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Mahian, O.; Kianifar, A.; Kleinstreuer, C.; Al-Nimr, M.A.; Pop, I.; Sahin, A.Z.; Wongwises, S. A review of entropy generation in nanofluid flow. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 2013, 65, 514–532. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Nouri, D.; Pasandideh-Fard, M.; Javad Oboodi, M.; Mahian, O.; Sahin, A.Z. Entropy generation analysis of nanofluid flow over a spherical heat source inside a channel with sudden expansion and contraction. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 2018, 116, 1036–1043. 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[Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Chamkha, A.; Ismael, M.; Kasaeipoor, A.; Armaghani, T. Entropy generation and natural convection of CuO-water nanofluid in C-shaped cavity under magnetic field. Entropy 2016, 18, 50. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Selimefendigil, F.; Öztop, H.F.; Abu-Hamdeh, N. Natural convection and entropy generation in nanofluid filled entrapped trapezoidal cavities under the influence of magnetic field. Entropy 2016, 18, 43. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Sheremet, M.A.; Oztop, H.F.; Pop, I.; Abu-Hamdeh, N. Analysis of entropy generation in natural convection of nanofluid inside a square cavity having hot solid block: Tiwari and Das’ model. Entropy 2016, 18, 9. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Nasiri, M.; Rashidi, M.M.; Lorenzini, G. Effect of magnetic field on entropy generation in a microchannel heat sink with offset fan shaped. Entropy 2016, 18, 10. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Qasim, M.; Khan, Z.H.; Khan, I.; Al-Mdallal, Q.M. Analysis of entropy generation in flow of methanol-based nanofluid in a sinusoidal wavy channel. Entropy 2017, 19, 490. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Bhatti, M.M.; Sheikholeslami, M.; Zeeshan, A. Entropy Analysis on Electro-Kinetically Modulated Peristaltic Propulsion of Magnetized Nanofluid Flow through a Microchannel. Entropy 2017, 19, 481. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Baskaya, E.; Komurgoz, G.; Ozkol, I. Investigation of oriented magnetic field effects on entropy generation in an inclined channel filled with ferrofluids. Entropy 2017, 19, 377. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Sheremet, M.A.; Grosan, T.; Pop, I. Natural Convection and Entropy Generation in a Square Cavity with Variable Temperature Side Walls Filled with a Nanofluid: Buongiorno’s Mathematical Model. Entropy 2017, 19, 337. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]Al-Rashed, A.A.A.A.; Aich, W.; Kolsi, L.; Mahian, O.; Hussein, A.K.; Borjini, M.N. Effects of movable-baffle on heat transfer and entropy generation in a cavity saturated by CNT suspensions: Three-dimensional modeling. Entropy 2017, 19, 200. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Figure 1. Number of articles on entropy generation in nanofluid flow. Figure 1. Number of articles on entropy generation in nanofluid flow. © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Share and Cite MDPI and ACS Style Lorenzini, G.; Mahian, O. Entropy in Nanofluids. Entropy 2018, 20, 339. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20050339 AMA Style Lorenzini G, Mahian O. Entropy in Nanofluids. Entropy. 2018; 20(5):339. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20050339 Chicago/Turabian Style Lorenzini, Giulio, and Omid Mahian. 2018. "Entropy in Nanofluids" Entropy 20, no. 5: 339. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20050339 Find Other Styles Note that from the first issue of 2016, MDPI journals use article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here. Article Metrics No No Article Access Statistics For more information on the journal statistics, click here. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view.
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Entropy Generation in MHD Second-Grade Nanofluid Thin Film Flow Containing CNTs with Cattaneo-Christov Heat Flux Model Past an Unsteady Stretching Sheet
Zahir Shah,Ebraheem O. Alzahrani,Abdullah Dawar,Wajdi Alghamdi,Malik Zaka Ullah
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app10082720
Applied Sciences
Abstract:Entropy generation plays a significant role in several complex processes, extending from cosmology to biology. The entropy generation minimization procedure can be applied for the optimization of mechanical systems including heat exchangers, elements of nuclear and thermal power plants, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. In order to present our analysis, entropy generation in a thin film flow of second grade nanofluid holding single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with a Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model is studied in this article. The flow is considered passing a linearly extending surface. A variable magnetic field with aligned angle ε is functioned along the extending sheet. With the aid of the homotopy analysis method (HAM), the fluid flow model is elucidated. The impressions of embedded factors on the flow are obtainable through figures and discussed in detail. It is observed that the velocity profile escalated with the increasing values of volume fraction of nanoparticles and second grade fluid parameter. The higher values of volume fraction of nanoparticles, second grade fluid parameter, non-linear heat source/sink, and thermal radiation parameter intensified the temperature profile. Surface drag force escalated with heightening values of nanoparticles volume fraction, unsteadiness, film thickness, magnetic, and second grade fluid parameters. Entropy generation increased with enhancing values of magnetic parameter, Brinkman number, and Reynolds number.
Numerical solution of entropy generation in nanofluid flow through a surface with thermal radiation applications
Jianfeng Wang,Umar Farooq,Hassan Waqas,Taseer Muhammad,Shan Ali Khan,Ahmed S. Hendy,Mohamed R. Ali
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2023.103967
IF: 6.268
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
Abstract:The main purpose of this research is to investigate a mathematical model of nanofluid passing through a stretching sheet having titanium dioxide (TiO2) , copper oxide (CuO) , and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as nanoparticles, and sodium alginate is used as a base fluid. The present model can be very useful for numerous fields like Bioengineering, science, and technology. The main reason for using titanium dioxide, copper oxide, and carbon nanotubes nanoparticles as nanomaterials they have many applications in several areas. Moreover, impacts of non-linear thermal radiation and entropy generations are taken into account. By utilizing the similarity transformation technique given system of governing PDEs are transformed into a set of ODE. Then dimensionless equations are numerically tackled via the Keller box method a built-in function in the computer tool MATLAB. To support the present study, physical and numerical interpretations of involved parameters against velocity, temperature, and entropy generation profiles are also presented. From the analysis it is concluded that the combination of a magnetic field and suction reduces the rate of fluid mobility due to the synchronization of the magnetic and electric fields generated by the formation of the Lorentz force. In addition, boosting the thermal radiation parameter raises the present authors' heat transfer rate. The velocity profile drops when the Casson parameter is raised, but the heat and entropy production profiles grow. When the porosity parameter is increased, the velocity profile falls, and the heat and entropy production profiles rise. Additionally the temperature distribution is boosted up with increasing the values of nanoparticles volume fraction. The good agreement between current results and published data is observed. It is necessary to investigate the thermophysical characteristics of the magnetite nanofluid (titanium dioxide, copper oxide, and carbon nanotubes-sodium alginate nanofluid) under various situations. The MHD flow of nanofluid is significant because of its wide range of industrial uses, including flows over the tips of rockets, planes, submarines, and oil tankers. The novelty of this work is to scrutinize the MHD flow and heat transfer analysis of a nanofluid towards a stretched surface. The features of magnetite nanofluid (titanium dioxide, copper oxide, and carbon nanotubes-sodium alginate nanofluid) under entropy generation, thermal radiation and velocity slip are investigated. All of this contributes to the work's uniqueness and novel.
Entropy generation analysis for hybrid nanofluid mobilized by peristalsis with an inclined magnetic field
S N Kazmi,F M Abbasi,S A Shehzad
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/16878132241252328
IF: 2.1
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 5, May 2024. The purpose of the present study is to analyse the entropy generation for the hybrid nanofluid mobilised by peristalsis. The hybrid nanoliquid is suspension of copper [math] and iron-oxide [math] nanoparticles in water. Impacts of magnetic field, Joule heating, mixed convection, heat source/sink and viscous dissipation are reckoned. Governing set of equations are simplified by using lubrication approach. Obtained system of differential equations are solved numerically. Special attention is paid to analyse the effects of hybrid nanomaterial, Hartman and Grashoff numbers on entropy generation, Bejan number, axial velocity, temperature, heat transmission rate at walls, pressure gradient, skin friction, Nusselt number. Flow behaviour is visualised through streamlines. The study reveals that velocity and temperature decrease on increasing the volume fraction of solid nanomaterials. Higher Grashoff and Hartman numbers augment both velocity and temperature. Better heat transfer performance is recorded for strong Hartman number. [math] and [math] improve Entropy generation and Bejan number. Higher Hartman number causes decrement in pressure gradient. Addition of nanoparticles concentration reduces skin friction. High flow rate increases trapping phenomenon.
engineering, mechanical,thermodynamics
Entropy generation in nanofluid flow due to double diffusive MHD mixed convection
Priyajit Mondal,T.R. Mahapatra,Rujda Parveen
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06143
IF: 3.776
Abstract:<p>This work is concerned with the numerical study of laminar, steady MHD mixed convection flow, and entropy generation analysis of <span class="math"><math>Al2O3</math></span>-water nanofluid flowing in a lid-driven trapezoidal enclosure. The aspect ratio of the cavity is taken very small. The cavity is differentially heated to study the fluid flow, heat, and mass transfer rate. The adiabatic upper wall of the enclosure is allowed to move with a constant velocity along the positive <em>x</em>-direction. The second-order finite difference approximation is employed to discretize the governing partial differential equations, and a stream-function velocity formulation is used to solve the coupled non-linear partial differential equations numerically. The simulated results are plotted graphically through streamlines, isotherms, entropy generation, Nusselt number, and Sherwood number. The computations indicate that the average Nusselt number and average Sherwood number are decreasing functions of Hartmann number, aspect ratio, and nanoparticle volume fraction. Significant changes in streamlines, temperature and concentration contours for high Richardson number are observed.</p>
Computational analysis of entropy generation minimization and heat transfer enhancement in magnetohydrodynamic oscillatory flow of ferrofluids
Muhammad Idrees Afridi,Zhi-Min Chen,Muhammad Qasim,Oluwole Daniel Makinde
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2024.171848
IF: 3.097
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Abstract:Improvements in heat transfer rate and entropy generation minimisation are critical issues in many engineering and industrial applications where efficient heat transfer is essential to achieve optimal performance and lower energy consumption. This study investigates the entropy generation of the mixed convection flow of ferrofluids in the presence of viscous and Joule dissipation. The flow is oscillatory and induced by the sinusoidal oscillations of a flat plate in its plane. Two Newtonian fluids, namely, kerosene oil C 12 H 26 C 15 H 32 and methanol C H 3 O H are considered base fluids containing magnetite F e 3 O 4 nanoparticles. Governing equations are first modelled by employing the fundamental laws of transport phenomena. Then, using scaling analysis, these equations are transformed into a dimensionless system of partial differential equations. Numerical simulations are performed using the Gear-Generalized Differential Quadrature Method (GGDQM), and the model is validated with special cases from the literature. It has been found through numerical analysis that the convergence of GGDQM can be guaranteed by using only a small number of grid points. The thermal boundary layer of methanol-based nanofluid is thicker than that of kerosene. It has been observed that the skin friction coefficient increases for both categories of nanofluids as the values of the Eckert number, solid volume fraction, and Grashof number increase. The Nusselt number increases as the solid volume fraction increases, while the opposite trend is observed when the values of the Hartman, Eckert, and Grashof numbers rise. With increasing values of the Grashof number, the rise in the velocity of methanol-based nanofluids is higher than that of kerosene oil-based nanofluids. The maximum percentage difference between the velocities is identified to be 22.2177% at G r = 4.0 . The temperature of methanol-based nanofluids rises more quickly than that of kerosene oil-based nanofluids with increasing values of the Grashof number. It is determined that the largest percentage difference between the temperatures is 20.5968% at G r = 4.0 . When Ec = 0 , the percentage difference between velocities is 29. 1721 %, while the percentage difference between temperatures is 78.7155%. Compared to methanol-based ferrofluid, the volumetric entropy production is more extensive in kerosene-based ferrofluid. On the other hand, in comparison to a kerosene-based nanofluid, thermal irreversibility predominates in a methanol-based nanofluid. The novelty of this study lies in the computational treatment of coupled partial differential equations (momentum and energy) that incorporate buoyancy force, Joule heating and viscous dissipation effects, complementing the underlying physics and mathematical modelling of the research problem.
materials science, multidisciplinary,physics, condensed matter
Investigation of entropy generation in the existence of heat generation and nanoparticle clustering on porous Riga plate during nanofluid flow
Zafar Mahmood,Khadija Rafique,Adnan,Umar Khan,Sidra Jubiar,Fuad A. Awwad,Emad A.A. Ismail
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.108165
IF: 3.8
Materials Today Communications
Abstract:The objective of this research is to examine the impact of many parameters, including entropy production resulting from nanoparticle aggregation, viscous dissipation, heat source, and buoyancy, on the flow behavior of nanoliquids through a vertical Riga plate made of porous media at the two-dimensional stagnation point. By combining elements of the original Krieger-Dougherty model with the Maxwell-Bruggeman model, a new correlation for the aggregation process may be reached. The PDEs that control the boundary layer area of this problem are changed into a group of nonlinear PDEs using the right non-similarity transformations. The issue may be solved by using the BVP4c MATLAB program, which implements the local non-similarity approach and includes an extra degree of truncation. It was also found that the skin friction coefficient increased by 3.35% to 7.18% for both the aiding and opposing flow zones with the incorporation of a 1% nanoparticle volume fraction. Incorporating the Eckert number resulted in a consistent drop in heat transfer efficiency, from 7.27% to 10.24%. Aggregation of nanoparticles increases the magnitude of velocity and the temperature distribution, as shown by the model of aggregation. The augmentation of the A values is widely acknowledged as a strategy to prolong the initiation of entropy; however, on the contrary, the elevation of the Bejan number helps to expedite it. It has been empirically shown that increasing the φ value has a beneficial effect on both the entropy inception field and the Bejan number. An increase in the Brinkman number leads to an acceleration in the rate of entropy generation, concomitantly resulting in a decrease in the Bejan number. The suggested numerical model is validated by comparing it to existing findings that have been made public.
materials science, multidisciplinary
Entropy analysis of a non-Darcian mixed convective flow of Cu-Al2O3-based hybrid nanofluid with thermal dispersioneffect
Ashutosh Pandey,Manoj K Mishra
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/09544089241258852
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Ahead of Print. Entropy measures the disorderness or randomness of the systems. It may affect the effectiveness and performance of the thermal systems. That is why entropy analysis is one of the trending research topic in modern era of society. The motive of this article is to present a comprehensive analysis of entropy generation and thermal dispersion effect on mixed convective flow of (Cu-Al2O3)/(H2O) based hybrid nanofluid along a plate submerged in a non-Darcy porous medium. The mathematical model describing the flow problem encompasses a system of partial differential equation, resulting from the single-phase flow model of the nanofluid combined with the Darcy-Forchheimer expression for porous medium flow. The dimensional system of partial differential equation is transformed into a non-dimensional nonlinear ordinary differential system through a similarity transformations and subsequently, the system is solved using the BVP4C module in MATLAB. The study analyzes the flow variables and entropy generation with respect to the parameters inherent in the problem. The findings suggests that, the increasing thermal dispersion effects enhances the Heat transfer rate of the hybrid nanofluid. Further, it is reported that the entropy generation in hybrid nanofluid is lower than the mono nanofluid which makes the hybrid nanofluid a better choice for entropy management in the thermal systems. The outcome of the research has practical implications in various real-life applications, such as crude oil production, oil flow filtration, electronic cooling equipment, etc.
engineering, mechanical
Entropy generation on the dynamics of volume fraction of nano-particles and coriolis force impacts on mixed convective nanofluid flow with significant magnetic effect
Liaqat Ali,Retna Apsari,Amir Abbas,Priya Tak
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10407782.2024.2360652
Numerical Heat Transfer Part A Applications
Abstract:Recent advances in simulating entropy generation for dissipative cross-materials with a quartic auto catalyst are reported. Entropy generation can be used to generate entropy in any irreversible heat transfer process, which is important in thermal machines. This study examines the impact of entropy generation on the thermal transport and momentum of a continuous two-dimensional dusty fluid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) migration across an inclined stretched sheet. We also conducted an entropy generation study to discuss the effects of viscous dissipation, the volume proportion of dust particles, and mixed convection. The two-phase models that address the fluid phase and the solid phase have been discussed. As part of the flow model's innovation, the effect of raising particulate matter concentration on the dynamic behavior of the fluid is investigated. The described model transforms the prevailing partial differential equations (PDEs) for two phases into a nonlinearly associated, nondimensional set of equations by implementing appropriate similarity alterations. For graphical results, MATLAB programming incorporates the bvp4c mechanism. This study indicates how to examine the impact of appropriate factors on the dusty phase of fluid and the non-Newtonian fluid phase. Both the entropy generation (Egen) and the Bejan quantity ( Be ) are presented in relation to their associated dimensionless factors. Parametric research is used to evaluate the impact of different flow parameters on temperatures, entropy generation, and Bejan numbers. The heat transfer rate using several quadratic regression models, which provide more clarity in determining physical parameters crucial to engineering, is assessed. It is observed that the entropy (Egen) and Bejan number ( Be ) declines with the rising mass concentration (βν) of dusty particles. Also demonstrated that for both cases, increasing the magnetic influence and dust volume fraction ( ΦD ) resulted in a decrease in velocity profiles at the same time as temperature increased.
Analysis of Entropy Optimization in MHD Flow of Non-Newtonian Nanofluids with Chemical Reaction and Thermal Energies
Ilango M. S. P. Lakshminarayana G. Sucharitha M. Vinodkumar Reddy K. Vajravelu a School of Advanced Sciences,Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore,Indiab Department of Mathematics,Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous),Secunderabad,Indiac Department of Mathematics,Department of Mechanical,Materials & Aerospace Engineering,University of Central Florida,Orlando,FL,USA
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23324309.2024.2419008
IF: 0.348
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport
Abstract:Investigation of nanofluid flows under various conditions is becoming fascinating research due to its numerous applications in many science and engineering fields such as solar energy, geothermal energy, water purification, glass blowing, enhanced oil recovery, petroleum production and food processing. For the present requirements in thermal energy applications, this mathematical model is considered to explore the diffusion and heat source effects on the flow of conductive Casson and Maxwell nanofluids in a porous medium on an elongating sheet with a chemical reaction. Further, the effects of viscous dissipation and thermal radiation are also examined. Moreover, the entropy generation is analyzed since this approach is employed in solar energy exchangers. The governing equations and the corresponding boundary conditions are constructed. This system of partial differential equations (PDEs) is changed into a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with the help of a suitable transformation and then solved numerically by the bvp5c MATLAB package. The influences of the physical parameters on the flow phenomena are discussed and presented through figures and tables. This analysis explains that the Casson fluid flow has a higher velocity field than the Maxwell fluid flow. The Nusselt number becomes higher as the Dufour numbers increase. It has also been noticed that increasing the Brinkmann number improves the entropy and, an increase in radiation enriches the temperature profile. The concentration of the fluid is decreased for the increasing values of the higher-order chemical reaction parameter. Furthermore, comparisons of the current results were conducted for limiting examples of the problem and found to be in good agreement with existing results in the literature.
mathematics, applied,physics, mathematical
Entropy Generation and Consequences of Binary Chemical Reaction on MHD Darcy-Forchheimer Williamson Nanofluid Flow Over Non-Linearly Stretching Surface
Ghulam Rasool,Ting Zhang,Ali J. Chamkha,Anum Shafiq,Iskander Tlili,Gullnaz Shahzadi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/e22010018
IF: 2.738
Abstract:The current article aims to present a numerical analysis of MHD Williamson nanofluid flow maintained to flow through porous medium bounded by a non-linearly stretching flat surface. The second law of thermodynamics was applied to analyze the fluid flow, heat and mass transport as well as the aspects of entropy generation using Buongiorno model. Thermophoresis and Brownian diffusion is considered which appears due to the concentration and random motion of nanoparticles in base fluid, respectively. Uniform magnetic effect is induced but the assumption of tiny magnetic Reynolds number results in zero magnetic induction. The governing equations (PDEs) are transformed into ordinary differential equations (ODEs) using appropriately adjusted transformations. The numerical method is used for solving the so-formulated highly nonlinear problem. The graphical presentation of results highlights that the heat flux receives enhancement for augmented Brownian diffusion. The Bejan number is found to be increasing with a larger Weissenberg number. The tabulated results for skin-friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number are given. A decent agreement is noted in the results when compared with previously published literature on Williamson nanofluids.
Entropy Analysis on Magneto-Convective and Chemically Reactive Nanofluids Flow Over a Stretching Cylinder in the Presence of Variable Thermal Conductivity and Variable Diffusivity
Gopinath Mandal
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1166/jon.2023.1977
Journal of Nanofluids
Abstract:The current paper is on the boundary layer flow of a magnetohydrodynamic nanofluids (Cu, Al 2 O 3 nanoparticles with base fluid water) flow over a linearly stretching cylinder. We have analyzed the entropy generation with heat and mass transfer in mixed convection, thermal radiation, viscous dissipation, variable thermal conductivity, variable mass diffusivity, and binary chemical reaction with activation energy. Convective boundary conditions are also considered here. No such attempt is yet made by the researchers on hybridization and entropy optimization model by considering variable thermal conductivity and variable mass diffusivity with binary chemical reaction with convective boundary conditions induced by a stretching cylinder. The efficient implicit Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method with shooting technique is used for numerical solutions to the transformed-converted non-linear system of equations. The study is motivated by analyzing the effects on the nanofluid velocity, skin friction coefficient, temperature distribution, Nusselt number, nanoparticles concentration, and Sherwood number inside the boundary layer. The impact of solid volume fraction, chemical reaction, and activation energy with entropy generation is the key findings of the current investigation. Variable thermal conductivity and variable diffusivity parameters hike temperature and concentration profile, respectively. Entropy and Bejan number are increasing functions for curvature parameters.
Entropy Generation in Peristaltic Transport of Hybrid Nanofluids with Thermal Conductivity Variations and Electromagnetic Effects
Abdulwahed Muaybid A. Alrashdi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/e25040659
IF: 2.738
Abstract:Entropy generation in peristaltic transport of hybrid nanofluid possessing temperature-dependent thermal conductivity through a two-dimensional vertical channel is studied in this paper. The hybrid nanofluid consists of multi-walled carbon nanotubes mixed with zinc oxide suspended in engine oil. Flow is affected by a uniform external magnetic field, hence generating Lorentz force, Hall and heating effects. Given the vertical orientation of the channel, the analysis accounts for mixed convection. To study heat transfer in the current flow configuration, the model considers phenomena such as viscous dissipation, heat generation or absorption, and thermal radiation. The mathematical modeling process employs the lubrication approach and Galilean transformation for enhanced accuracy. The slip condition for the velocity and convective conditions for the temperature are considered at the boundaries. The study analyzes entropy generation using the Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) and includes convergence curves for HAM solutions. Results are presented using graphs and bar charts. The analysis shows that higher Brinkman and thermal radiation parameters result in higher temperatures, while higher thermal conductivity parameters lead to reduced entropy generation and temperature profile. Additionally, higher Hall parameter values decrease entropy generation, while an increased Hartman number improves entropy generation.
physics, multidisciplinary
Theoretical and mathematical analysis of entropy generation in fluid flow subject to aluminum and ethylene glycol nanoparticles
Faisal Shah,M Ijaz Khan,T Hayat,M Imran Khan,A Alsaedi,W A Khan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.105057
Abstract:Background: Here we have conducted a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of viscous material with alumina water and ethylene glycol over a stretched surface. The flow is discussed with and without effective Prandtl number. MHD liquid is considered. Electric field is absent. Effect of uniform magnetic field is taken in the vertical direction to the surface. Influence of thermal radiation as well as Joule heating are taken into account for both aluminum oxide-water and aluminum oxide-Ethylene glycol nanofluids. Velocity slip and melting heat effects are considered. Methods: The nonlinear flow expressions are numerically solved via ND-solve technique (built-in-Shooting). Results: The physical impacts of flow variables like mixed convection parameter, magnetic parameter, Reynold number, Eckert number, melting parameter and heat source/sink parameter are graphically discussed. Moreover, entropy generation (irreversibility) and Bejan number are discussed graphically through various flow variables. Physical quantities like skin friction coefficient and Sherwood and Nusselt numbers are numerically calculated and discussed through Tables. Conclusions: Impact of magnetic and slip parameters on the velocity field show decreasing behavior for both effective and without effective Prandtl number. Temperature field increases for both effective and without effective Prandtl number for higher values of magnetic and radiative parameters. Entropy number is an increasing function of Reynolds number while Bejan number shows opposite impact against Reynolds number. Moreover, heat transfer rate upsurges versus larger melting and radiative parameter.
Mathematical modeling of entropy generation in MHD mixed convective Cu–Ag-Al2O3/H2O tri-hybrid nanofluid over an exponential permeable shrinking surface with radiation and slip impacts: Multiple solutions with stability analysis
Gopinath Mandal,Dulal Pal
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10407790.2024.2346916
Numerical Heat Transfer Part B Fundamentals
Abstract:The present investigation aims to determine the existence of a dual solution in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mixed convective radiative flow of Cu - Ag - Al2O3 / H2O tri-hybrid nanofluid in a permeable Darcy–Forchheimer porous medium over an exponentially shrinking surface by considering velocity, thermal slips, and suction effects at the surface. This study focuses on assessing entropy production in novel coolant applications. To streamline the analysis, the complex nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) are simplified by converting them into a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) through the utilization of the similarity transformation technique. These ODEs are then solved utilizing the bvp4c numerical MATLAB function. Graphical and tabular analyses are conducted to investigate the impact of emerging variables on entropy generation, as well as velocity, temperature, skin friction coefficient, and Nusselt number. Due to the contraction of the surface, dual solutions are found, but dual solutions cannot be found beyond the critical values. The critical values of SC are 1.58928, 1.48700, and 1.66058, but ξC are −1.239499, −1.416999, and −1.130030 for Cu/H2O nanofluid, Cu−Ag/H2O hybrid nanofluid, and Cu−Ag−Al2O3/H2O tri-hybrid nanofluid, respectively. A positive minimum eigenvalue γ1 signifies the existence of the upper stable solution branch, while a negative minimal eigenvalue indicates the presence of the lower unstable solution branch. The tri-hybrid nanofluid exhibits superior thermal properties compared to nanofluid and hybrid fluids. Adding nanoparticles to traditional fluids is perceived as improving their ability to transmit heat. The analysis has demonstrated that the thermal radiation and temperature slip parameters significantly influence the heat transfer rate. Thermal radiation is found to speed up the creation of entropy. Additionally, in the case of a stable solution, an increase in the Forchheimer number results in a deceleration of the liquid flow, an effect which is further amplified by the presence of the magnetic field and velocity slip parameter.
Entropy Generation Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Turbulent Forced Convective Heat Transfer to Nanofluids
Yu Ji,Hao-Chun Zhang,Xie Yang,Lei Shi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/e19030108
IF: 2.738
Abstract:The entropy generation analysis of fully turbulent convective heat transfer to nanofluids in a circular tube is investigated numerically using the Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) model. The nanofluids with particle concentration of 0%, 1%, 2%, 4% and 6% are treated as single phases of effective properties. The uniform heat flux is enforced at the tube wall. To confirm the validity of the numerical approach, the results have been compared with empirical correlations and analytical formula. The self-similarity profiles of local entropy generation are also studied, in which the peak values of entropy generation by direct dissipation, turbulent dissipation, mean temperature gradients and fluctuating temperature gradients for different Reynolds number as well as different particle concentration are observed. In addition, the effects of Reynolds number, volume fraction of nanoparticles and heat flux on total entropy generation and Bejan number are discussed. In the results, the intersection points of total entropy generation for water and four nanofluids are observed, when the entropy generation decrease before the intersection and increase after the intersection as the particle concentration increases. Finally, by definition of Ep, which combines the first law and second law of thermodynamics and attributed to evaluate the real performance of heat transfer processes, the optimal Reynolds number Reop corresponding to the best performance and the advisable Reynolds number Read providing the appropriate Reynolds number range for nanofluids in convective heat transfer can be determined.
Various nanoparticle shapes and quadratic velocity impacts on entropy generation and MHD flow over a stretching sheet with joule heating
Khadija Rafique,Zafar Mahmood,Haifa Alqahtani,Sayed M Eldin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2023.03.021
AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal
Abstract:The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of NP shape on the entropy production of a water-alumina nanofluid over a permeable MHD stretching sheet at quadratic velocities with viscous dissipation and joule heating. The hot fluid is water-alumina nanofluid, which consists of four different NP shapes (brick, platelet, blade, and oblate spheroid), and the cool fluid is water itself. As a result of its exceptional ability to enhance heat transmission, Al2O3-H2O nanofluid is used extensively in industrial production. The governing PDEs are changed into a nonlinear differential system of coupled ODEs by a series of similarity transformations. The code, in MATLAB, is an effective version of the Runge-Kutta technique for obtaining numerical solutions. In the region behind a stretching sheet, the wall shear stress increases by almost 6.3% for increases in the volume fraction of nanoparticles from 0% to 2% and by 12.6% for increases from 0% to 4%. When the magnetic effect accounts for roughly 5 percent of the boundary layer flow, there is an approximately 16.4 percent increase in the rate of convective heat transfer. The frictional force and thermal entropy produced by nanofluids with blade-, brick-, and Os-shaped NPs was lower than that produced by nanofluids with platelet-shaped NPs. On the cold fluid side, the nanofluid with Os-shaped NPs develops thermal entropy at a faster rate than those with brick-, blade-, cylinder-, and platelet-shaped NPs.
Double diffusive convective transport and entropy generation in an annular space filled with alumina-water nanoliquid
H. A. Kumara Swamy,M. Sankar,N. Keerthi Reddy,M. S. Al Manthari
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjs/s11734-022-00591-w
Abstract:Many of the engineering/industrial applications involving the energy transport undergoes entropy generation which is unavoidable and this leads to degradation of system efficiency. Several researchers working in this field are exploring new ways to minimize the entropy generation so that the efficiency of the system could be enhanced. Motivated by these applications, the current article scrutinizes the rate of entropy generation along with thermal and solutal transport resulting from double-diffusive convective phenomenon in a nanoliquid-filled annular enclosure. Along vertical surfaces of the annulus, the uniform temperature and concentration conditions are specified, while the upper and lower boundaries are maintained as insulated and impermeable. The set of non-linear coupled governing equations in vorticity-stream function form supported by related initial and boundary conditions are computed numerically using time-splitting technique. The influence of various controlling parameters namely the buoyancy ratio ( ), Lewis number ( ), aspect ratio ( ) and nanoparticle volume fraction ( ) on fluid movement, temperature, concentration and entropy production are scrutinized and variation in thermal and solutal dissipation rates, entropy production and Bejan number are graphically illustrated and are discussed with physical interpretation. Through the vast range of computational experiments, it has been found that the quantity of generated entropy in an enclosure is greater during aided flow compared to that of opposing case. Further, it has also been found that higher thermal and solutal performance rates with minimal loss of system energy (entropy generation) could be achieved with a shallow annulus.
Thermogravitational convection of water-based nanofluids with entropy generation in a wavy cabinet having a localized non-uniform heat source
S. Gowtham,C. Sivaraj,M. A. Sheremet
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-02675-x
The European Physical Journal Plus
Abstract:Optimization of cooling systems for electronic devices is one of the serious challenges in the modern industrial and engineering world. In the current investigation, the significance of undulations on the thermogravitational heat transfer and entropy optimization within a wavy enclosure having local heater at the lower boundary has been analyzed numerically. Three different nanoparticles are used to investigate in this analysis within the base fluid (H2O), namely, Cu, Al2O3 and TiO2. Both vertical boundaries are kept at fixed cooled temperature Tc, whereas the horizontal flat walls keeping as adiabatic except for the heated section. The bottom source of heat is supposed to be isothermal with linearly changing temperature. The governing non-dimensional transformed equations are handled easily by finite volume method and the significant outcomes using isolines of temperature, stream function and local entropy, as well as mean Nusselt number and total entropy generation are discussed. The fixed and assorted parameters involving in this investigation represent Rayleigh number (Ra = 106), Prandtl number (Pr = 6.2), non-uniformity parameter (λ = 1) and various length of heated source (ε = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75), volume fraction of nanosuspension (ϕ = 0.0–0.04), number of undulations (N = 0–3). The computational outcomes reported that a growth of the undulations results to the reduction in global heat transfer performance and average entropy generation rate. An increment of the heated portion length makes a raise of the average entropy generation rate and decreases in the mean convective heat transfer strength. Thus, the reported outcome indicates that a lower value of partial heater (ε = 0.25) characterizes the optimal design for the system of energy transfer efficiency for real-world engineering problems. Also, the entropy generation technique will be a valuable contribution to this field of study.
Entropy generation on unsteady stagnation‐point Casson nanofluid flow past a stretching sheet in a porous medium under the influence of an inclined magnetic field with homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions
R. Mahato,M. Das,S. S. S. Sen,S. Shaw
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/htj.22567
Abstract:This study explores the entropy generation analysis on unsteady nonlinear radiative ethylene glycol‐based Casson nanofluid flow near stagnation point towards a stretching sheet through a porous medium. Analysis has been accomplished in the presence of an inclined magnetic field, heat generation, homogeneous–heterogeneous reactions, and viscous dissipation with velocity slip and convective boundary conditions. The nondimensional governing equations are solved by the shooting technique with the help of the RK45 method. We have experimented with copper and silver nanoparticles and a comparative analysis has been highlighted for both copper and silver nanofluids. Numerical outcomes are executed by the MATLAB built‐in bvp4c function. The consequences of the experiment for various pertinent flow parameters are portrayed by graphs and tables for both the Ag‐ and Cu‐Casson nanofluids. Results reveal that the enhancement of nanoparticles volume fraction accelerates temperature but it slows down concentration and velocity distributions. Higher values of the Eckert number boost velocity and temperature but reduce skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number. Enhancement of the Brinkman number boosts up entropy generation but it slows down Bejan's number. The results of the model can be applied in the movement of biological fluids, separation of biomolecules, glass manufacturing, paper production, food processing, crude oil purification, polymer drag reduction, and cooling atomic reactors.
Impacts of entropy generation in second-grade fuzzy hybrid nanofluids on exponentially permeable stretching/shrinking surface
Rana Muhammad Zulqarnain,Muhammad Nadeem,Imran Siddique,Adeel Mansha,Abdullatif Saleh Ghallab,Mahvish Samar
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-48142-0
Abstract:The present investigation aims to use entropy analysis to analyze the unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow in a second-grade fuzzy hybrid [Formula: see text] nanofluid over an exponentially shrinking/stretching surface. The model for hybridization of the mixture of alumina [Formula: see text] and copper (Cu) nanoparticles in the sodium alginate (SA) base fluid under heat source/sink, nonlinear thermal radiation, and viscous dissipation. The fundamental partial differential equations (PDEs) are simplified using an appropriate similarity conversion to generate the ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The analytical computation occurs in the MATHEMATICA program implementing the homotopy analysis method (HAM). In terms of code validity, our results are preferable to previous findings. The features of several parameters against the velocity, surface friction coefficient, entropy, temperature, and Nusselt number are described through graphs. According to our findings, the rise in the Brinkman and Reynolds numbers enhanced the total entropy of the system. Furthermore, the nanoparticle volume fraction and viscus dissipation magnifies the fluid temperature while retards the flow profile throughout the domain. Fluid velocity declined due to the Lorentz force using magnetic impact applications. The imprecision of nanofluid and hybrid nanofluid volume fractions was modelled as a triangular fuzzy number (TFN) [0%, 1%, 2%] for comparison. The double parametric approach was applied to deal with the fuzziness of the associated fuzzy parameters. The nonlinear ODEs convert into fuzzy differential equations (FDEs) and use HAM for the fuzzy solution. From our observation, the hybrid nanofluid displays the maximum heat transfer compared to nanofluids. This important contribution will support industrial growth, particularly in the processing and manufacturing sectors. The percentage increase in skin friction factor is 18.3 and 15.0 when [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] take input in the ranges of 0 ≤ [Formula: see text] ≤ 0.8 and 0 ≤ [Formula: see text] ≤ 1, respectively.