Global Asymptotic Stability in a Parabolic–elliptic Chemotaxis System with Competitive Kinetics and Loop
Xinyu Tu,Chunlai Mu,Shuyan Qiu
Applicable Analysis
Abstract:This paper deals with the initial-boundary value problem for the two-species chemotaxis-competition system with two signals ∂tu1=Δu1−χ11∇⋅(u1∇v1)−χ12∇⋅(u1∇v2)+μ1u1(1−u1−a1u2),∂tu2=Δu2−χ21∇⋅(u2∇v1)−χ22∇⋅(u2∇v2)+μ2u2(1−u2−a2u1),0=Δv1−λ1v1+α11u1+α12u2,0=Δv2−λ2v2+α21u1+α22u2, under the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition, where x∈Ω,t>0, χij>0, μi>0, ai>0, αij>0, λi>0 (i,j=1,2), and Ω⊂Rn(n≥2) is a smooth bounded domain. If χ11/μ1, χ12/μ1, χ21/μ2 and χ22/μ2 are sufficiently small, then the system possesses a globally bounded classical solution for any suitably regular initial data u10,u20. Furthermore, by constructing some appropriate functionals, it is shown that For the weak competition case, if μ1,μ2 are sufficiently large, then the solution (u1,u2,v1,v2) converges to 1−a11−a1a2,1−a21−a1a2,α11(1−a1)+α12(1−a2)λ1(1−a1a2),α21(1−a1)+α22(1−a2)λ2(1−a1a2) exponentially as t→∞.For the strong-weak competition case, if μ2 is sufficiently large, then the solution (u1,u2,v1,v2) converges to (0,1,α12/λ1,α22/λ2) with exponential decay when a1>1, and with algebraic decay when a1=1.