The NiuTrans Machine Translation Systems for WMT19
Bei Li,Yinqiao Li,Chen Xu,Ye Lin,Jiqiang Liu,Hui Liu,Ziyang Wang,Yuhao Zhang,Nuo Xu,Zeyang Wang,Kai Feng,Hexuan Chen,Tengbo Liu,Yanyang Li,Qiang Wang,Tong Xiao,Jingbo Zhu
Abstract:This paper described NiuTrans neural machine translation systems for the WMT 2019 news translation tasks. We participated in 13 translation directions, including 11 supervised tasks, namely EN <->{ZH, DE, RU, KK, LT}, GU -> EN and the unsupervised DE <-> CS subtrack. Our systems were built on deep Transformer and several back-translation methods. Iterative knowledge distillation and ensemble+reranking were also employed to obtain stronger models. Our unsupervised submissions were based on NMT enhanced by SMT. As a result, we achieved the highest BLEU scores in {KK <-> EN, GU -> EN} directions, ranking 2nd in {RU -> EN, DE <-> CS} and 3rd in {ZH -> EN, LT -> EN, EN -> RU, EN <-> DE} among all constrained submissions.