Interpreting deindustrialised landscapes of Atlantic Canada: memory and industrial heritage in Sackville, New Brunswick

Robert Summerby-Murray
Abstract:The redevelopment of former industrial sites now constitutes a significant component of the landscape of Atlantic Canada. This paper explores the heritage issues surrounding two industrial sites in Sackville, New Brunswick, and argues that the heritage discourse is constructed through the creation of memory and the processes of commodification and consumption. Using the examples of two foundries, the paper investigates the manner in which the image of industry has been presented and reinterpreted, both through the industrial heydays of the late-19th and mid-20th centuries and in the contemporary scene. The commemoration, commodification and consumption of selected aspects of the industrial past are significant means by which Sackville creates its place identity. The resulting landscapes remain problematic, however, with a tendency to be overly romanticised and sanitised or at odds with contemporary images of Sackville's place identity. Le reamenagement d'anciennes friches industrielles constitue aujourd'hui une importante composante du paysage des provinces atlantiques du Canada. Le present article explore les questions patrimoniales entourant deux sites de ce type a Sackville (Nouveau-Brunswick) et formule l'hypothese que le discours a saveur patrimoniale repose sur la creation d'une memoire et des processus de reification et de consommation. A partir de deux fonderies utilisees comme exemple, l'article examine comment l'image de l'industrie a ete presentee et reinterpretee, tant a l'epoque de gloire de l'industrialisation de la fin du XIXe siecle et du milieu du XXe siecle que sur la scene contemporaine. La commemoration, la reification et la consommation d'aspects choisis du passe industriel constituent d'importants moyens par lesquels Sackville cree son identite. Les paysages qui en resultent demeurent problematiques et ont tendance aetre exagerement romantiques et aseptises, voire meme contradictoires par rapport aux images contemporaines de l'identite de Sackville.
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