Observation of Fine Structure in Channeling of Particles in Bent Crystals
A. Mazzolari,H. Backe,L. Bandiera,N. Canale,D. De Salvador,P. Drexler,V. Guidi,P. Klag,W. Lauth,L. Malagutti,R. Negrello,G. Paternò,M. Romagnoni,F. Sgarbossa,A. Sytov,V. Tikhomirov,D. Valzani
Abstract:Using the newly developed 530 MeV positron beam from the Mainz Microtron MAMI and employing a bent silicon crystal, we demonstrate the first successful manipulation with high efficiencies of the trajectories of positrons through planar channeling and volume reflection. This uncovered the presence of fine structure within the angular distribution of charged particles when they are channeled between the planes of bent crystals. The alignment of our experimental findings with simulation results not only demonstrates a deeper understanding of the interactions between charged particle beams and bent crystals but also signals a new phase in the development of innovative methodologies for slow extraction in circular accelerators operating in the GeV range, with implications for worldwide accelerators. Our results also mark a considerable progression in the generation of advanced x-ray sources through the channeling process in periodically bent crystals, rooted in a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between positron beams and such crystals.
Accelerator Physics,Applied Physics