Jamming II: Edwards' statistical mechanics of random packings of hard spheres
Ping Wang,Chaoming Song,Yuliang Jin,Hernan A. Makse
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2010.10.017
Abstract:The problem of finding the most efficient way to pack spheres has an illustrious history, dating back to the crystalline arrays conjectured by Kepler and the random geometries explored by Bernal in the 60's. This problem finds applications spanning from the mathematician's pencil, the processing of granular materials, the jamming and glass transitions, all the way to fruit packing in every grocery. There are presently numerous experiments showing that the loosest way to pack spheres gives a density of ~55% (RLP) while filling all the loose voids results in a maximum density of ~63-64% (RCP). While those values seem robustly true, to this date there is no physical explanation or theoretical prediction for them. Here we show that random packings of monodisperse hard spheres in 3d can pack between the densities 4/(4 + 2 \sqrt 3) or 53.6% and 6/(6 + 2 \sqrt 3) or 63.4%, defining RLP and RCP, respectively. The reason for these limits arises from a statistical picture of jammed states in which the RCP can be interpreted as the ground state of the ensemble of jammed matter with zero compactivity, while the RLP arises in the infinite compactivity limit. We combine an extended statistical mechanics approach 'a la Edwards' (where the role traditionally played by the energy and temperature in thermal systems is substituted by the volume and compactivity) with a constraint on mechanical stability imposed by the isostatic condition. Ultimately, our results lead to a phase diagram that provides a unifying view of the disordered hard sphere packing problem.
Soft Condensed Matter,Disordered Systems and Neural Networks