Optimization of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Protocols in the Era of Precision Medicine
Sarah Kudman,Alissa Semaan,Majd Al Assaad,Swarna Gogineni,M Laura Martin,Susan Mathew,Olivier Elemento,David C Wilkes,Juan Miguel Mosquera
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cpz1.1093
Abstract:Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a cytogenetic assay that is widely used in both clinical and research settings to validate genetic aberrations. Simple in principle, it is based on denaturation and hybridization of a DNA probe and its complementary sequence; however, it is subject to continuous optimization. Here we share how in-house FISH can be optimized using different control tissues to visualize and ultimately validate common and novel genetic abnormalities unearthed by next-generation sequencing (NGS). Seven specific FISH probes were designed and labeled, and conditions for eight tissue types and one patient-derived tumor organoid were optimized. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue slides were used for each experiment. Slides were first deparaffinized, then placed in a pretreatment solution followed by a digestion step. In-house FISH probes were then added to the tissue to be denatured and hybridized, and then washed twice. To obtain optimal results, probe concentration, pepsin incubation time, denaturation, and the two post-hybridization washes were optimized for each sample. By modifying the above conditions, all FISH experiments were optimized in separate tissue types to investigate specific genomic alterations in tumors arising in those tissues. Signals were clear and distinct, allowing for visualization of the selected probes. Following this protocol, our lab has quickly optimized 11 directly labeled in-house FISH probes to support genetic aberrations nominated by NGS, including most recent discoveries through whole-genome sequencing analyses. We describe a robust approach of how to advance in-house labeled FISH probes. By following these guidelines, reliable and reproducible FISH results can be obtained to interrogate FFPE slides from benign, tumor tissues, and patient-derived tumor organoid specimens. This is of most relevance in the era of NGS and precision oncology. © 2024 Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Metaphase FISH optimization Support Protocol 1: In-house probe labeling and preparation Support Protocol 2: Metaphase spread preparation Basic Protocol 2: Optimization of FISH on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue.