Connectivity Oracles for Graphs Subject to Vertex Failures.

Ran Duan,Seth Pettie
SIAM Journal on Computing
Abstract:We introduce new data structures for answering connectivity queries in graphs subject to batched vertex failures. Our deterministic structure processes a batch of d ≤ d* failed vertices in Õ(d3) time and thereafter answers connectivity queries in O(d) time. It occupies space O(d*m log n). We develop a randomized Monte Carlo version of our data structure with update time Õ(d2), query time O(d), and space Õ(m) for any d*. This is the first connectivity oracle for general graphs that can efficiently deal with an unbounded number of vertex failures.Our data structures are based on a new decomposition theorem for an undirected graph G = (V, E), which is of independent interest. It states that for any terminal set U ⊆ V we can remove a set B of |U|/(s − 2) vertices such that the remaining graph contains a Steiner forest for U − B with maximum degree s.
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