Synthesizing Invariants for Polynomial Programs by Semidefinite Programming
Hao Wu,Qiuye Wang,Bai Xue,Naijun Zhan,Lihong Zhi,Zhihong Yang
Abstract:Constraint-solving-based program invariant synthesis takes a parametric invariant template and encodes the (inductive) invariant conditions into constraints. The problem of characterizing the set of all valid parameter assignments is referred to as the strong invariant synthesis problem, while the problem of finding a concrete valid parameter assignment is called the weak invariant synthesis problem. For both problems, the challenge lies in solving or reducing the encoded constraints, which are generally non-convex and lack efficient solvers. Consequently, existing works either rely on heuristic optimization techniques (such as bilinear matrix inequalities) or resort to general-purpose solvers (such as quantifier elimination), leading to a trade-off between completeness and efficiency.
In this paper, we propose two novel algorithms for synthesizing invariants of polynomial programs using semidefinite programming (SDP): (1) The Cluster algorithm targets the strong invariant synthesis problem for polynomial invariant templates. Leveraging robust optimization techniques, it solves a series of SDP relaxations and yields a sequence of increasingly precise under-approximations of the set of valid parameter assignments. We prove the algorithm's soundness, convergence, and weak completeness under a specific robustness assumption on templates. Moreover, the outputs can simplify the weak invariant synthesis problem. (2) The Mask algorithm addresses the weak invariant synthesis problem in scenarios where the aforementioned robustness assumption does not hold, rendering the Cluster algorithm ineffective. It identifies a specific subclass of invariant templates, termed masked templates, involving parameterized polynomial equalities and known inequalities. By applying variable substitution, the algorithm transforms constraints into an equivalent form amenable to SDP relaxations.
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