Call Admission Control for Multiservice Radio Access Network Using Mechanism Design
Lun Tang,Qianbin Chen,Xiaoxiao Zhang,Xiaoping Zeng,Yun Li
Abstract:In this paper, in order to guarantee QoS of CAC for four classes of new calls (i.e., conversational service, streaming service, interactive service, and background service with distinct QoS requirements are considered , which defined by 3GPP). We first propose a mechanism design framework based on VCG mechanism for CAC, we model the CAC problem as a game played among four classes of new calls. Importantly, the call admission control game is coordinated by an admission Moderator in base station (BS) or access point (AP), which deploys a novel call admission control based on the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism, the VCG mechanism also ensures the users truthfully declare their call admission request by charging them for the used channels in the cell. The simulation result indicate that the CAC based on VCG mechanism can decrease the new call blocking probability, guarantee QoS of different types services, enhance flexibility and control in meeting QoS constraints, and results in better overall performance.