A Framework for Fine-Grained Synchronization of Dependent GPU Kernels
Abhinav Jangda,Saeed Maleki,Maryam Mehri Dehnavi,Madan Musuvathi,Olli Saarikivi
Abstract:Machine Learning (ML) models execute several parallel computations including Generalized Matrix Multiplication, Convolution, Dropout, etc. These computations are commonly executed on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), by dividing the computation into independent processing blocks, known as tiles. Since the number of tiles are usually higher than the execution units of a GPU, tiles are executed on all execution units in one or more waves. However, the number of tiles is not always a multiple of the number of execution units. Thus, tiles executed in the final wave can under-utilize the GPU.
To address this issue, we present cuSync, a framework for synchronizing dependent kernels using a user-defined fine-grained synchronization policy to improve the GPU utilization. cuSync synchronizes tiles instead of kernels, which allows executing independent tiles of dependent kernels concurrently. We also present a compiler to generate diverse fine-grained synchronization policies based on dependencies between kernels. Our experiments found that synchronizing CUDA kernels using cuSync reduces the inference times of four popular ML models: MegatronLM GPT-3 by up to 15%, LLaMA by up to 14%, ResNet-38 by up to 22%, and VGG-19 by up to 16% over several batch sizes.
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing