Preview Control For Continuous-Time Singular Stochastic Systems
Jiang Wu,Fucheng Liao,Zhengguang Xu,Yuan Yan Tang,Yujie Xu
International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processing
Abstract:In this paper, the problem of preview control for continuous-time singular stochastic systems is studied by the augmented error system approach. First, a static output feedback is introduced to make the closed-loop system impulse-free. And through the second restricted equivalent transformation, the continuous-time singular stochastic system is transformed into a normal stochastic system and some algebra equations. Then, an assistant system is designed to overcome the difficulty of trying to make derivation to a stochastic system like in deterministic system condition. And the stochastic system after the transformation is translated to the assistant system. In order to make the output of the singular system track the reference signal as accurately as possible without static error, an integrator is introduced. Based on the system after the translation and the error equation, an augmented error system is constructed with the state vector, the error vector and the reference signal. Finally, the tracking problem for the singular stochastic system is transformed into the optimal regulating problem for the augmented error system. By the dynamic programming method, the optimal preview controller for the original singular stochastic system is obtained. The existence and uniqueness solution of the Riccati equation is discussed and the numerical analysis shows the effectiveness for the preview controller designed in this paper.