Abstract:In this paper, we will study a singular problem involving the fractional (q1(x,.)-q2(x,.))-Laplacian operator in the whole space RN,(N≥2). More precisely, we combine the variational method with monotonicity arguments to prove that the associated functional energy admits a critical point, which is a weak solution for such a problem.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper attempts to solve an existence result involving a fractional - order biphasic singular problem. Specifically, the author studies the singular problem with the fractional - order \((q_1(x,\cdot)-q_2(x,\cdot))\)-Laplacian operator in the whole space \(\mathbb{R}^N\). By combining variational methods and monotonicity arguments, the author proves that there are critical points of the energy functional related to this problem, that is, weak solutions.
### Problem Description
The specific problem studied in the paper is:
(Q_\theta): (-\Delta)^s_{q_1(z,\cdot)} \psi+(-\Delta)^s_{q_2(z,\cdot)} u + |\psi|^{\sigma(z)-2} \psi = b(z) \psi^{-\tau(z)}-\theta g(z,\psi),\quad z\in\mathbb{R}^N,
where \(N\geq2\), \(\theta\) is a positive parameter, \(0 < s < 1\), and \(\delta\), \(\sigma\) and \(g\) are continuous functions satisfying certain assumptions. The operator \((-\Delta)^s_{q_i(z,\cdot)}\) is defined as:
(-\Delta)^s_{q_i(z,\cdot)} \psi(z)=\text{p.v.}\int_{\Omega}\frac{|\psi(z)-\psi(\chi)|^{q_i(z,\chi)-2}(\psi(z)-\psi(\chi))}{|z - \chi|^{N+sq_i(z,\chi)}}d\chi,\quad z\in\mathbb{R}^N.
### Main Contributions
1. **Variational Methods and Monotonicity Arguments**: The author combines variational methods and monotonicity arguments to prove that there are critical points of the relevant energy functional, thus proving that there are weak solutions to this problem.
2. **Applications in Generalized Sobolev Spaces**: This research is carried out in generalized Sobolev spaces, taking into account the effects of variable exponents and fractional - order derivatives.
3. **Applications of Non - local Fractional - order Operators**: This problem involves the non - local fractional - order operator \((-\Delta)^s_{q(z,\cdot)}\), which has wide applications in electro - rheological fluids, elasticity mechanics and image processing, etc.
### Conclusion
The author proves by the above methods that there are weak solutions to this problem in the whole space, and these results are of great significance for further research on biphasic problems, Hardy - type singularities and logarithmic nonlinear problems.