Asymptotic performance limits of vehicular location and velocity detection towards 6G mmWave integrated communication and sensing
Shanshan Ma,Bingpeng Zhou
China Communications
Abstract:In this paper, joint location and velocity estimation (JLVE) of vehicular terminals for 6G integrated communication and sensing (ICAS) is studied. We aim to provide a unified performance analysis framework for ICAS-based JLVE, which is challenging due to random fading, multipath interference, and complexly coupled system models, and thus the impact of channel fading and multipath interference on JLVE performance is not fully understood. To address this challenge, we exploit structured information models of the JLVE problem to render tractable performance quantification. Firstly, an individual closed-form Cramer-Rao lower bound for vehicular localization, velocity detection and channel estimation, respectively, is established for gaining insights into performance limits of ICAS-based JLVE. Secondly, the impact of system resource factors and fading environments, e.g., system bandwidth, the number of subcarriers, carrier frequency, antenna array size, transmission distance, spatial channel correlation, channel covariance, the number of interference paths and noise power, on the JLVE performance is theoretically analyzed. The associated closed-form JLVE performance analysis can not only provide theoretical foundations for ICAS receiver design but also provide a performance benchmark for various JLVE methods.