Distribution Characteristics and Indicator Significance of Dechloranes in Multi-Matrices at Ny-lesund in the Arctic
Guangshui,Hsi-Hsien Wei,Shiyao,Quan Zhou,Hui,Peng Gao,Xindong,Zhenqiang Ma,Lina,Qiu,Linke,Ge,Chenguang,Bao,Ziwei,Xin Yao
Abstract:In recent years, Dechloranes have been widely detected in the environment around the world.However, understanding and knowledge of Dechloranes in remote regions, such as the Arctic,remain lacking. Therefore, the concentrations of 5 Dechloranes in surface seawater, sediment,soil, moss, and dung collected from Ny-lesund in the Arctic were measured with the concentrations 93 pg/L, 342, 325, 1.4, and 258 pg/g, respectively, which were much lower than those in Asian and European regions. The mean ratios of anti-Dechlorane Plus(DP) to total DP(fanti) in seawater, sediment, soil, moss, dung, and atmospheric samples were 0.36, 0.21, 0.18,0.27, 0.66, and 0.43, respectively. Results suggested that the main source of DP in seawater,sediment, soil, and moss was long-range atmospheric transport. However, the ratio identified in dung was different, for which the migration behavior of the organism is probably the main source of DP.