Human detection using color and depth information
Jianjun Lei,Xiaohong Fan,Lei You,Shiqiu Li,Chunping Hou
Journal of Computational Information Systems
Abstract:Human detection has attracted much attention in computer vision. In this paper, we present a human detection method using color and depth information, such as the RGB-D data from the Microsoft Kinect sensor. First, a depth and color combined histograms of oriented gradients (DCHOG) feature descriptor is proposed for extracting depth and color features. Second, a detection strategy which considering the accuracy of depth maps is designed. The model trained with DCHOG is utilized for the detection of the front parts of the images, while the traditional model trained with HOG is adopted for the rear parts. Finally, to optimize the result of detection, an edge detection based algorithm is developed to verify the candidate detection regions. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves considerable improvement in detection rate. © 2013 Binary Information Press.