The thermal environment landscape pattern and typical urban landscapes effect linked with thermal environment in Beijing
MENG Dan,LI Xiaojuan,GONG Huili,ZHAO Wenji
Abstract:Study on thermal environment and thermal effect is one of the most important topics in city climate and environment researches.The paper integrates some theories of ecology landscape,geostatistics technology and spatial analysis technology of GIS into the research on thermal environment issues,and explores the thermal landscape pattern,the thermal effect of parks landscape and road corridors in Beijing.As retrieving land surface temperature(LST)and analysis of its distribution is of great efficiency to research thermal environmental problems of earth surface,two ASTER imageries are used for the LST retrieval by TES algorithm.Fitting of the whole day's continuous ground temperature with meteorological observations data at the same date when the satellite transit using sinusoidal function is utilized,and the following interpolation generates ground temperature at satellite transit time to verify the retrieved LST.The overall temperature accuracy is less than 0.5℃.Basing on the LST variable,the thermal landscape pattern is studied by calculating landscape pattern indices under different grid size in Fragstats software.Considering the scale effect of thermal landscape heterogeneous pattern,the largest sampling scales are determined by the semi-variant function.The results show that the largest sampling scale is 818.392m and 778.520m in the urban scene and the suburb scene,respectively.Suburban thermal landscape patches are continuous,while the urban thermal landscape patches are relatively dispersed.This illustrates that thermal landscape has a close relationship with built-up levels of urban development and construction.With the increase of sampling particle size,the patch density and contagion index show a downward trend,and the average patch area increases exponentially,while the diversity index changes little.Except the diversity index,the other three indices vary with different grain size.In addition,the great importance of choosing appropriate resolution should be noted for the thermal landscape studies.Studies have shown that large area of vegetation cover and water can relieve and regulate the thermal environment.What's more,the urban parks is the assemblage of green space and water bodies.Therefore,park is undoubtedly the city's 'cold island'.In contrast,due to the physical properties and heat emissions from vehicles,road corridor is the relative heat strip'.For studying thermal environment effect which is of great significance for urban planning,park and road landscape are chosen for the study of thermal environment effect,by constructing the models between landscapes patches characteristics and the corresponding average LST,and by calculating the LST varies in the buffer zones of landscapes themselves.The thermal environment effect analysis draws the conclusion that generally the average LST decreases with the increase of area,perimeter of park,and the decrease of ratio of perimeter to area.In areas further away from the parks,the LST raised,and the raising trend slowed down.Specifically,the average LST increase is 0.5366℃ from the 0-90m buffer zone to 90-180m buffer zone outside the park,while the one is 0.3258℃ from the 90-180m buffer zone to the 180-270m buffer zone.As road density increases,the average of LST increases and standard deviation of LST decreases significantly.The correlation coefficient between the road density ranks and LST of roads was 0.8021.The average LST of the buffer zone decreased slightly with distance from the road centerline.Therefore,more attention is ought to paid to the rational distribution of urban roads and the landscape park for the sake of easing the implication of urban heat environment pressure.