Fluctuations of charge separation perpendicular to the event plane and local parity violation in sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC
l adamczyk,j k adkins,g agakishiev,m m aggarwal,z ahammed,i alekseev,j alford,c anson,a aparin,d arkhipkin,e c aschenauer,g s averichev,j balewski,aritra banerjee,z barnovska,d r beavis,r bellwied,m j betancourt,r r betts,a bhasin,a k bhati,bhattarai,h bichsel,j bielcik,j bielcikova,l c bland,i g bordyuzhin,w borowski,j bouchet,a v brandin,s g brovko,e bruna,s bultmann,i bunzarov,t p burton,j m butterworth,h caines,m calderon de la barca sanchez,d cebra,r cendejas,m c cervantes,p chaloupka,z chang,sourav chattopadhyay,h f chen,j y chen,longqing chen,jianlin cheng,m cherney,a chikanian,w christie,p chung,j chwastowski,m j m codrington,r corliss,j g cramer,h j crawford,x cui,s das,a davila leyva,l c de silva,r debbe,t g dedovich,joufang deng,r derradi de souza,s dhamija,b di ruzza,l didenko,dilks,f ding,a dion,p djawotho,x dong,j l drachenberg,j e draper,c m du,l e dunkelberger,james colville dunlop,l g efimov,m elnimr,j engelage,k s engle,g eppley,l eun,o evdokimov,r fatemi,s fazio,j fedorisin,r g fersch,p filip,e finch,y fisyak,c e flores,c a gagliardi,d r gangadharan,d garand,f j m geurts,a gibson
Abstract: Previous experimental results based on data (15 million events) collected by the STAR detector at RHIC suggest event-by-event charge separation fluctuations perpendicular to the event plane in non-central heavy-ion collisions. Here we present the correlator previously used split into its two component parts to reveal correlations parallel and perpendicular to the event plane. The results are from a high statistics 200 GeV Au+Au collisions data set (57 million events) collected by the STAR experiment. We explicitly count units of charge separation from which we find clear evidence for more charge separation fluctuations perpendicular than parallel to the event plane. We also employ a modified correlator to study the possible P-even background in same and opposite charge correlations, and find that the P-even background may largely be explained by momentum conservation and collective motion.