Ground State and Magnetic Phase Transitions of Orthoferritedyfeo3

Z. Y. Zhao,X. Zhao,H. D. Zhou,F. B. Zhang,Q. J. Li,C. Fan,X. F. Sun,X. G. Li
Abstract:Low-temperature thermal conductivity (kappa), as well as magnetization (M) and electric polarization (P), of multiferroic orthoferrite DyFeO3 single crystals are studied with H parallel to c. When the crystal is cooled in zero field, M, P, and kappa all consistently exhibit irreversible magnetic-field dependencies. In particular, with 500 mK< T <= 2 K, all these properties show two transitions at the first run of increasing field but only the higher-field transition is present in the subsequent field sweepings. Moreover, the ultra-low-T (T < 500 mK) kappa(H) shows a different irreversibility and there is only one transition when the field is swept both up and down. All the results indicate a complex low-T H-T phase diagram involving successive magnetic phase transitions of the Fe3+ spins. In particular, the ground state, obtained with cooling to sub-Kelvin temperatures in zero field, is found to be an unexplored phase.
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