Genetic signature of prostate cancer mouse models resistant to optimized hK2 targeted α-particle therapy
Mesude Bicak,Katharina Lückerath,Teja Kalidindi,Michael E Phelps,Sven-Erik Strand,Michael J Morris,Caius G Radu,Robert Damoiseaux,Mari T Peltola,Norbert Peekhaus,Austin Ho,Darren Veach,Ann-Christin Malmborg Hager,Steven M Larson,Hans Lilja,Michael R McDevitt,Robert J Klein,David Ulmert
Abstract:Hu11B6 is a monoclonal antibody that internalizes in cells expressing androgen receptor (AR)-regulated prostate-specific enzyme human kallikrein-related peptidase 2 (hK2; KLK2). In multiple rodent models, Actinium-225-labeled hu11B6-IgG1 ([225Ac]hu11B6-IgG1) has shown promising treatment efficacy. In the present study, we investigated options to enhance and optimize [225Ac]hu11B6 treatment. First, we evaluated the possibility of exploiting IgG3, the IgG subclass with superior activation of complement and ability to mediate FC-γ-receptor binding, for immunotherapeutically enhanced hK2 targeted α-radioimmunotherapy. Second, we compared the therapeutic efficacy of a single high activity vs. fractionated activity. Finally, we used RNA sequencing to analyze the genomic signatures of prostate cancer that progressed after targeted α-therapy. [225Ac]hu11B6-IgG3 was a functionally enhanced alternative to [225Ac]hu11B6-IgG1 but offered no improvement of therapeutic efficacy. Progression-free survival was slightly increased with a single high activity compared to fractionated activity. Tumor-free animals succumbing after treatment revealed no evidence of treatment-associated toxicity. In addition to up-regulation of canonical aggressive prostate cancer genes, such as MMP7, ETV1, NTS, and SCHLAP1, we also noted a significant decrease in both KLK3 (prostate-specific antigen ) and FOLH1 (prostate-specific membrane antigen) but not in AR and KLK2, demonstrating efficacy of sequential [225Ac]hu11B6 in a mouse model.