Dynamics of OH radical generation in laser-induced photodissociation of tetrahydropyran at 193 nm.
S. Sengupta,H. Upadhyaya,Awadhesh Kumar,P. Naik,P. Bajaj
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2149378
Abstract:Tetrahydropyran (THP) undergoes photodissociation on excitation with ArF laser at 193 nm, generating OH radical as one of the transient photoproducts. Laser-induced fluorescence technique is used to detect the nascent OH radical and measure its energy state distribution. The OH radical is formed mostly in the ground vibrational level (v"=0), with low rotational excitation. The rotational distribution of OH (v"=0,J) is characterized by a temperature of 433+/-31 K, corresponding to a rotational energy of 0.86+/-0.06 kcalmol. Two Lambda-doublet levels, 2Pi+(A') and 2Pi-(A"), and the two spin-orbit states, the 2Pi(3/2) and 2Pi(1/2), of OH are populated statistically for all rotational levels. The relative translational energy associated with the photoproducts in the OH channel is calculated to be 21.9+/-3.2 kcal mol(-1), from the Doppler-broadened linewidth, giving an ft value of approximately 43%, and most of the remaining 57% of the available energy is distributed in the internal modes of the other photofragment, C5H9. The observed distribution of the available energy is explained well, using a hybrid model of energy partitioning, with an exit barrier of 40 kcal mol(-1). The potential-energy surface of the reaction channel was mapped by ab initio molecular-orbital calculations. Based on experimental and theoretical results, a mechanism for OH formation is proposed. Electronically excited THP relaxes to the ground electronic state, and from there, a sequence of reactions takes place, generating OH. The proposed mechanism first involves C-O bond scission, followed by a 1,3 H atom migration to O atom, and finally, the C-OH bond cleavage giving OH.