Improving The Consistency And Continuity Of Modis 8 Day Leaf Area Index Products

sivasathivel kandasamy,philippe neveux,aleixandre verger,samuel buis,marie weiss,frederic baret
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Abstract:Time Series Analysis of Leaf Area Index (LAI) is vital to the understanding of global vegetation dynamics. The LAI time series derived from satellite observations are usually not complete and noisy due to cloud contamination and uncertainties in the retrieval techniques. In this paper, the continuity and consistency of the MODIS 8 day LAI products are improved using a method based on Caterpillar Singular Spectrum Analysis. The proposed method is compared with other standard methods: Savitzky-Golay filter, Empirical Mode Decomposition, Low Pass filtering and Asymmetric Gaussian fitting. The experiment demonstrates the smoothing and gapfilling ability of the developed method, which is more robust across the biomes both in terms of root mean square error metrics and bias metrics as compared to the standard methods.
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