Some Explicit Expressions and Interesting Bifurcation Phenomena for Nonlinear Waves in Generalized Zakharov Equations
Yun Wu,Zhengrong Liu
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Abstract:Using bifurcation method of dynamical systems, we investigate the nonlinear waves for the generalized Zakharov equations utt-cs2uxx=β(|E|2)xx, iEt+αExx-δ1uE+δ2|E|2E+δ3|E|4E=0, where α,β,δ1,δ2,δ3, and cs are real parameters, E=E(x,t) is a complex function, and u=u(x,t) is a real function. We obtain the following results. (i) Three types of explicit expressions of nonlinear waves are obtained, that is, the fractional expressions, the trigonometric expressions, and the exp-function expressions. (ii) Under different parameter conditions, these expressions represent symmetric and antisymmetric solitary waves, kink and antikink waves, symmetric periodic and periodic-blow-up waves, and 1-blow-up and 2-blow-up waves. We point out that there are two sets of kink waves which are called tall-kink waves and low-kink waves, respectively. (iii) Five kinds of interesting bifurcation phenomena are revealed. The first kind is that the 1-blow-up waves can be bifurcated from the periodic-blow-up and 2-blow-up waves. The second kind is that the 2-blow-up waves can be bifurcated from the periodic-blow-up waves. The third kind is that the symmetric solitary waves can be bifurcated from the symmetric periodic waves. The fourth kind is that the low-kink waves can be bifurcated from four types of nonlinear waves, the symmetric solitary waves, the 1-blow-up waves, the tall-kink waves, and the antisymmetric solitary waves. The fifth kind is that the tall-kink waves can be bifurcated from the symmetric periodic waves. We also show that the exp-function expressions include some results given by pioneers.