Boundary Smoothing Properties of the Korteweg-de Vries Equation in a Quarter Plane and Applications
Jerry L. Bona,S. M. Sun,Bing-Yu Zhang
Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations
Abstract:Reported here are results concerning the initial boundary value problem (IBVP) for the Korteweg-de Vries equation in a quaxter plane, viz.[GRAPHICS]The present study commences with a representation of solutions of (0.1) derived in our earlier paper [Trans. American Math. Soc. 354 (2001), 427-490]. The problem (0.1) arises naturally in the modeling of various types of wave phenomena, but the focus here will be on two mathematical points, namely a type of boundary smoothing and its impact upon the well-posedness of (0.1) in the L-2-based Sobolev spaces H-s(R+).It has been known for some time that the KdV equation posed on the quarter plane possesses the Kato smoothing property just as do solutions on the whole plane of the pure initial value problem; that is to sayphi epsilon H-s(R+) and h epsilon H-loc(s+1/3) (R+) implies u epsilon L-2(0, T; H-loc(s+1) (R+)) for (0.1) belongs to the space L-2 (0, T; Hs+3/2 (R+)).The linearized version of (0.1) with zero initial data, 0 = 0, has another interesting property. The solution u(x, t) is the restriction to R+ x R+ of a function w(x, t) defined on R x R which is such that(integral(infinity)(-infinity)integral(infinity)(-infinity) (1 + vertical bar xi vertical bar)(2s)(1 + vertical bar tau - xi(3)vertical bar)(2b vertical bar)w(xi, tau)vertical bar(2)d xi d tau)(1/2) <= parallel to h parallel to (H) 3b+s-1/2/3 ((R+))where b is any value in [0, 1/2 - s/3) if - 3/2 <= s < 3/2, b is any value in [0, 5/6 - s/3] if - 1/2 < s < 1 and C is a constant depending only on s and b.Aided by these boundary integral estimates, and after introduction of suitable versions of the Bourgain spaces whose underlying spatial-temporal domain is a quarter plane, we demonstrate that the full nonlinear IBVP (0.1) is unconditionally locally well-posed in the space H-s(R+) for any s > -3/4. More precisely, it is shown thatfor a given compatible pair (phi, h) epsilon H-s(R+) x H-loc(1/3) (R+), there exists a T* > 0 such that the IBVP (0.1) admits a unique mild solution u epsilon C([0, T*], H-s(R+)), which depends continuously on the initial value phi and the boundary value h.Moreover, the IBVP (0.1) is shown to be unconditionally globally well-posed in H-s(R+) x H-loc(s+1/3) (R+) for s > 3, while unconditional global well-posedness is shown to hold for 0 <= s < 3 in H-s(R+) X-loc(1+s+epsilon/3) (R+) for any epsilon > 0.