Hou Yamei,Li Yinghua,Huang Wanbo,Xu Ziqiang,Lu Na
Abstract:The Longgupo Site was discovered in 1984 at the village of Longping,Miaoyu Town of Wushan County(Chongqing) and has been excavated for three periods: 1985~1988,1997~1998,2003~present.During the first excavation 116 species of mammalian fossils,two human fossils,14 Giantopithecus teeth,and two stone artifacts were discovered.During the second excavation more than 20 stone artifacts were discovered.These two excavations were conducted by the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,Chinese Academy of Sciences(IVPP,CAS) as well as the local museum and the cultural bureau of the local government,thus were concentrated on fossils by rather coarse methods of excavation,digging in squares of two by two meters and making horizontal levels by every one meter. Though only limited number of stone artifacts have been discovered,which were from Level 5 to Level 8,they have provided valuable information about lithic technique of early human in China.The most recent excavation was carried out by a Sino-French team with advanced archaeological techniques,which provided a better chance for discovering more stone artifacts as well as other remains.In this article,16 stone artifacts from Level 7 of the Longgupo Site,which were found during the late 1990s excavation are described and analyzed.The typology of these tools is various,including proto-pick,proto-cleaver,large-pointed tool,straight-edged or round-edged chopper-chopping tool,long-edged or short-edged knife,scraper,and chisel-edged tool.They have reflected clearly the targets of the tool makers and the process by which the tool makers achieved their goals,as well as the capability of the tool makers to take advantages from natural resources.The evidence of this paper shows a condition of the diversity and particularity of the tool typology of early human in Southern China at the time of 2MaB.P.and symbolizes a developed level that early man in China had achieved.It is believed that the Longgupo Site is very likely a birthplace of early human culture in East Asia.It is anticipated that the origin of Chinese Early Paleolithic culture will be better understood by further studies on the Longgupo Site.