Blow-up Prevention by Quadratic Degradation in a Two-Dimensional Keller–Segel–Navier–Stokes System
Youshan Tao,Michael Winkler
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
Abstract:This paper deals with an initial-boundary value problem in a two-dimensional smoothly bounded domain for the Keller–Segel–Navier–Stokes system with logistic source, as given by {[ n_t + u·∇ n = Δ n - ∇· (n ∇ c)+rn-μ n^2,; c_t + u·∇ c = Δ c -c +n,; u_t + u·∇ u = Δ u -∇ P+n ∇ϕ +g,; ∇· u = 0, ]. which describes the mutual interaction of chemotactically moving microorganisms and their surrounding incompressible fluid. It is shown that whenever μ >0 , r≥ 0 , g∈ C^1(Ω̅× [0,∞ )) ∩ L^∞ (Ω× (0,∞ )) and the initial data (n_0, c_0, u_0) are sufficiently smooth fulfilling n_0≢0 , the considered problem possesses a global classical solution which is bounded. Moreover, if r=0 , then this solution satisfies n(· ,t)→ 0 and c(· ,t)→ 0 in L^∞ (Ω ) as t→∞ , and if additionally ∫ _0^∞∫ _Ω |g(x,t)|^2 dxdt < ∞ , then all solution components decay in the sense that n(· ,t)→ 0, c(· ,t)→ 0 and u(· ,t)→ 0 in L^∞ (Ω ) as t→∞ .