Distributed Coevolutionary Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: A Flexible Approach

Qifeng Chen,Jinhai Dai
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2002-5582
Abstract:Traditional mathematic al programming based multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) strat egie s ca nnot be used directly to problems with discrete and integer design variables or with disjointed design space, and they have a propensity to converge to a relative optimum closest to the starting point. And they are not conve nient to solve multiobjective MDO problems . To handle the above difficulties, we intr oduce the idea of distri buted coevolution to MDO in this paper . A distributed coevolutionary multidiscipl inary design optimiz ation (DCMDO) approach is proposed . It is flexible to accept whatever kind of design variables, design spaces, mu lti ple objectives and to be executed in parallel on computer network environment . In DCMDO, MDO problem is r edefined as subsystem optimization problems. E ach subsystem conduct s optimization using an independent distri buted evolutionary algorithm . Distributed coevolution mechanism is used to coordinate subsystem optimiz ations. The asynchronous parallel version of DCMDO is based on Client/Server mo del , both flexible and having good fault tolerance ability . By adopt ing mu ltiobjective handling mechanism of nondominated sorting and crowding, good approximation of the whole Pareto optimal front can be obtained by DCMDO in one si ngle run. DCMDO wa s appli ed to a missile aerod ynamic/engine/control multidisciplinary design optimization pro blem . Single objective DCMDO with sequential execution on one PC, single objective DCMDO with asynchronous parallel exec ution on multiple PCs, and multiobjective DCMDO with asynchronous parallel ex ecution on multiple PCs wer e tried to this problem . The result shows that the algorithm is effective in design optimization of co upled sy stems.
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