Observations of High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission Toward the Galactic Centre with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

M. Ajello,A. Albert,W. B. Atwood,G. Barbiellini,D. Bastieri,K. Bechtol,R. Bellazzini,E. Bissaldi,R. D. Blandford,E. D. Bloom,R. Bonino,E. Bottacini,T. J. Brandt,J. Bregeon,P. Bruel,R. Buehler,S. Buson,G. A. Caliandro,R. A. Cameron,R. Caputo,M. Caragiulo,P. A. Carave,C. Cecchi,A. Chekhtman,J. Chiang,G. Chiaro,S. Ciprini,J. Cohen-Tanugi,L. R. Cominsky,J. Conrad,S. Cutini,F. D'Ammando,A. de Angelis,F. de Palma,R. Desiante,L. Di Venere,P. S. Drell,C. Favuzzi,E. C. Ferrara,P. Fusco,F. Gargano,D. Gasparrini,N. Giglietto,P. Giommi,F. Giordano,M. Giroletti,T. Glanzman,G. Godfrey,G. A. Gomez-Vargas,I. A. Grenier,S. Guiriec,M. Gustafsson,A. K. Harding,J. W. Hewitt,A. B. Hill,D. Horan,T. Jogler,G. Johannesson,A. S. Johnson,T. Kamae,C. Karwin,J. Knoedlseder,M. Kuss,S. Larsson,L. Latronico,J. Li,L. Li,F. Longo,F. Loparco,M. N. Lovellette,P. Lubrano,J. Magill,S. Maldera,D. Malyshev,A. Manfreda,M. Mayer,M. N. Mazziotta,P. F. Michelson,W. Mitthumsiri,T. Mizuno,A. A. Moiseev,M. E. Monzani,A. Morselli,I. V. Moskalenko,S. Murgia,E. Nuss,M. Ohno,T. Ohsugi,N. Omodei,E. Orlando,J. F. Ormes,D. Paneque,M. Pesce-Rollins,F. Piron,G. Pivato,T. A. Porter,S. Raino,R. Rando,M. Razzano,A. Reimer,O. Reimer,S. Ritz,M. Sanchez-Conde,P. M. Saz Parkinson,C. Sgro,E. J. Siskind,D. A. Smith,F. Spada,G. Spandre,P. Spinelli,D. J. Suson,H. Tajima,H. Takahashi,J. B. Thayer,D. F. Torres,G. Tosti,E. Troja,Y. Uchiyama,G. Vianello,B. L. Winer,K. S. Wood,G. Zaharijas,S. Zimmer
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3847/0004-637x/819/1/44
Abstract:The inner region of the Milky Way is one of the most interesting and complex regions of the gamma-ray sky. The intense interstellar emission and resolved point sources, as well as potential contributions by other sources such as unresolved source populations and dark matter, complicate the interpretation of the data. In this paper the Fermi LAT team analysis of a 15x15 degree region about the Galactic centre is described. The methodology for point-source detection and treatment of the interstellar emission is given. In general, the bulk of the gamma-ray emission from this region is attributable to a combination of these two contributions. However, low-intensity residual emission remains and its characterisation is discussed.
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