Connotation, Definition and Passage of "Silk-Road Economic Belt" Strategy

Abstract:Central-Asia economic belt is the core area of Silk-road economic belt.The economic belt on the rim of central Asia is a pivotal area of Silk-road economic belt. Euro-Asian economic belt is the extended area of Silk-road economic belt, which is featured by a set of transformation in national security strategy: from passive strategic defence to active strategical aggression; from unitary borderland security to multiple-dimension cooperation; separation of internal affair from diplomacy to integration of both internal and external affairs. The Silk-road economic belt is contemporary trade and economic cooperation in advanced edition on the basis of ancient Silk-road concept with strategic significance: by nature, it is a history-beyond edition integrating political, economic, internal and external affairs together with transcending time and space; by content,it is a comprehensive policy edition combining both westward opening up and western development; by form, it has undergone several generations of leading body to project national security and economic strategies in advanced edition.The Silk-road economic belt to be constructed in joint effort to open up a continental strategic passage in order to promote westward opening strategy, which involves all-round strategic project; in strategic framework, based on Shanghai Cooperation Organization, multiple mechanism needs to advance simultaneously; in tactics, easier thing is to be done before difficult thing in steady manner;in strategy, dominated by trade and economy,multiple dimensions need to move ahead. Through security and stability, trade and economic development and cooperation in public and diplomatic affairs, we constantly push ahead communication in policy between China and central-Asian countries, highway connection, trade free flow and monetary circulation as well as friendly regional cooperation.
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