Long-wave Instability and Growth Rate of the Inviscid Shear Flows

Liang Sun
Abstract:In this paper, we studied the long-wave instability of the shear flows. Whenthe wavenumber of perturbation is larger than the critical value, the flow isalways neutrally stable. First, we obtain a new upper bound for the neutralwavenumber k_1≤ (p^2-1)μ_1, where p>1 and μ_1 is the smallesteigenvalue of Poincaré's problem. Second, we find a new upper bound for theimaginary part of the complex phase velocity c_i ≤ k_1 ΔU/√(μ_1), where Δ U is the variance of the velocity. The newbound is finite for all k>0 similar to the Howard's semicircle theorem, whilethe previous ones by Craik and Banerjee et al would be infinity ask→ 0. Third, we find a new upper bound of growth rate ω_i≤ (p-1) √(μ_1)Δ U. All the new bounds are much more strict thanthe previous ones by Høiland, Howard, Craik and Banerjee et al. Our resultsalso extend the inverse energy cascade theory by Kraichnan. As shearinstability is due to long-wave instability, it implies that the truncation oflong-waves may change the instability of shear flows.
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