New Particles Working Group Report of the Snowmass 2013 Community Summer Study

y gershtein,markus a luty,m narain,lin tong wang,d whiteson,kaustubh agashe,leonard apanasevich,g artoni,aram avetisyan,howard baer,christoph bartels,m e bauer,d berge,m berggren,s k bhattacharya,k m black,t bose,j brau,r brock,e brownson,m cahillrowley,altan cakir,a chaus,timothy cohen,baradhwaj coleppa,r c cotta,nathaniel craig,keith r dienes,bogdan a dobrescu,daniel duggan,rouven essig,j a evans,a drlicawagner,s funk,jayamol george,florian goertz,t golling,t han,a haas,michael hance,daniel hayden,u heintz,a henrichs,joanne l hewett,j f hirschauer,k howe,ahmed ismail,k kaadze,yevgeny kats,felix kling,d kolchmeyer,d kr ucker,k c kong,amit kumar,graham d kribs,paul langacker,a lath,s j lee,j list,tingan lin,l linssen,t liu,z liu,a lobanov,j loyal,a martin,i a melzerpellmann,mihoko m nojiri,sanjay padhi,n parashar,b penning,maxim perelstein,michael e peskin,albert pierce,werner porod,c t potter,thomas g rizzo,g sciolla,john stupak,s su,tim m p tait,t tanabe,brian f thomas,stuart p thomas,s n upadhyay,n varelas,e w varnes,luca vecchi,a venturini,benedikt vormwald,jay g wacker,michael j walker,m e j wood,f yu,ning zhou
Abstract: This report summarizes the work of the Energy Frontier New Physics working group of the 2013 Community Summer Study (Snowmass).
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