Research on Connecting PS-InSAR Results from Adjacent Tracks for Land Subsidence Monitoring
Siting XIONG,Qiming ZENG,Jian JIAO,Xiaojie ZHANG
Abstract:At present, more and more economic developed areas are facing serious land subsidence problems with increasing coverage and intensity, which prevents the application of sustainable development in these areas. Thus, the land subsidence problems should be controlled urgently. PS-InSAR technology, as one of the most im-portant tools to detect land subsidence, has played a significant role in land subsidence monitoring. However, multi-track PS-InSAR results must be connected to obtain the large scale subsidence map when an extended land subsidence survey area is required, since spaceborne SAR image from only one track is too limited in scan range to cover the whole area. This paper analyzes the processing chain of PS-InSAR and points out two key problems when connecting multi-track PS-InSAR results from adjacent tracks. First, many PS from adjacent tracks are physically different, which is mainly caused by different incidence angles and coherences of adjacent tracks. Therefore, it is hard to find the tie point in the overlapped area. Second, there is a subsidence offset between two adjacent tracks according to the overlapped area, which is attributed to the physical differences of PS and the pro-cessing parameters of PS-InSAR, such as the reference point, the temporal coverage and so on. Among these fac-tors, impacts caused by different incidence angles and reference offset are emphasized. Two new methods, Block Method and Interpolation Method, are proposed in this paper to calculate the differences between subsidence ve-locities from adjacent tracks caused by the physical differences of PS in the overlapped area. This can avoid the difficulty of finding tie point in the overlapped area. Moreover, subsidence velocities are adjusted to mitigate the impacts from different incidence angles. Finally, based on the existing software, a complete procedure for multi-track PS-InSAR subsidence results connection is demonstrated. At the end of this paper, ENVISAT ASAR datas-ets of Pearl Delta River in Guangdong province are processed and analyzed in experiments. Experimental results show that different incidence angles could affect the land subsidence from adjacent tracks, so it is necessary to correct the differential subsidence caused by the incidence difference, especially when multiple tracks are in-volved. Block Method and Interpolation Method are all effective in calculating the differences of subsidence ve-locities, and Block Method was superior to Interpolation Method through statistical analyses. Meanwhile, differ-ent incidence angles and reference offset are effectively mitigated to obtain the conformed subsidence velocities using these two methods. Consequently, PS-InSAR subsidence velocities from two ENVISAT tracks are connect-ed effectively, which shows the effectiveness of the processing procedure proposed in this paper.