ZHANG Shao-Bing,WEI Mei-Cai
Abstract:Two new species of Tenthredininae from China are described: Metallopeus sunae Wei et Zhang, sp. nov . and Tenthredo nitidifrontalia Wei et Zhang,sp. nov . The type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Insect Collection of Central South University of Forestry and Technology , Changsha, Hunan,China (CSCS) and the Insect Collection of Tianjin Natural History Museum (TNHM) . 1 Metallopeus sunae Wei et Zhang,sp. nov. (Figs 1-12) This new species is close to M. tuberculatus Saini & Singh,1990 from North India but differs from the latter in the anterior margin of clypeus roundly protruding; the dorsal side of thorax with strong coppery green tinge; the forewing weakly and evenly infuscate; the first abdominal tergite shiny without microsculptures and the middle serrulae of female lancet almost flat (M. tuberculatus Saini & Singh the anterior margin of clypeus roundly incised; the dorsal side of thorax blue,without coppery green tinge; the forewing strongly infuscate; all abdominal tergites with distinct microsculptures and the middle serrulae of female lancet distinctly oblique) . Holotype ♀, Bashuigou, Mt. Pangquangou (37°49' N,111° 29' E; alt. 1 703 m) , Shanxi Province, 27 May 2008, WANG Xiao-Hua leg. Paratypes: 1♂ ,same data as holotype; 2♀♀,Hebei Village,Mt. Wutai,alt. 1 845 m ,Shanxi Province,3 July 2009, WANG Xiao-Hua; 1♀, 1 ♂ , Shenweigou,Mt. Pangquangou,alt. 1 833 m ,Shanxi Province,28 May 2008, XIAO Wei and WANG Xiao-Hua; 1♀,Beigoutan,Mt. Luya,alt. 1 583 m , Shanxi Province,25 May 2008,WANG Xiao-Hua; 1♀, Damuchang, Mt. Xiaowutai, alt. 1 455 m , Hebei Province,26 June 2009,WANG Xiao-Hua; 2♂♂ , Chiyabu, Mt. Xiaowutai, alt. 1 485 m , Hebei Province,25 July 2008,LI Ze-Jian; 1♀,1♂ , Guamagou,Mt. Liupan,alt. 1 945 m ,Ningxia,7 July 2008,LIUFei; 1 ♂ ,Wushaoling Forest Farm ,Tianzhu County , Gansu Province, 16 July 2007, TANG Ming-Jun; 2♀♀,2 ♂♂ ,Mao'eullting,26 June 1933,O . Piel. Etymology . This species is named after the surname of Ms. SUN Gui-Hua,the previous curator of the insect collection of Tianjin Natural History Museum . 2 Tenthredo nitidifrontalia Wei et Zhang,sp. nov. (Figs 13-23) This newspecies is a member of Tenthredo pompilina group. It is close to T. lunani Wei & Niu,2008 but differs from the latter in the dorsal side of head strongly shiny , without puncture and microsculpture; the mesepisternum shiny , with sparse and minute punctures; the forewing largely subhyaline; the fourth abdominal tergite with a distinct white basal stripe; the lateral side of the middle process of the seventh sternite deeply and roundly emarginated; the ovipositor sheath much longer than middle tibia. In T. lunani the dorsal side of head weakly shiny ,with large puncture and feebly rugose; the upper half of mesepisternum mat, irregularly and strongly rugose; the forewing distinctly infuscate except for the cross band behind pterostigma; the fourth abdominal tergite without a white basal stripe; the lateral side of the middle process of the seventh sternite hardly emarginated; the ovipositor sheath clearly shorter than middle tibia. Holotype ♀,Jiuniutang,Mt. Maoer (25°53' N , 11°29' E; alt. 1 164 m) ,Guangxi Province,18 May 2006, XIAO Wei leg. Paratypes: 1♀, Songyang County ,Zhejiang Procince,13 July 1989,HE Jun- Hua; 1♂ ,Songyang County ,Zhejiang Procince,15- 17 June 1989,HE Jun-Hua; 1♀,Laomenpai,Mt. Mang, alt. 807 m , Yizhang County , Hunan Province, 24 Apr. 2006, ZHO UHu; 2 ♀ ♀, Shanjiao ,Gaozeyuan,alt. 454 m ,Hunan Province, 26 Apr. 2008,ZHAO Fu and SU Tian-Ming. Etymology . This specific epithet refers to the strongly shiny head of the species.