Network Structure Evolution and Spatial Complexity of Global Transnational Investment
Yang Wenlong,Du Debin,You Xiaojun,Shi Wentian,Yan Ziming
Abstract:Using complex network analysis, this study applied GIS, Pajek, Matlab and database, etc., to build the global transnational investment relationship network, and analyzed the temporal evolution of the spatial struc-ture and network complexity of the global transnational investment network from 2001 to 2012. The results shows: 1) The global transnational investment network is showing a"core-edge"ring structure, whose inner structure is changing and reorganizing. The investment network transformed from dual-core (North America and Western Europe) structure into overlapped and related multi-core (North America, Western Europe, the Ca-ribbean, Eastern Asia and Australia) topological structure, with capital gradually flowing from Western Europe, North America, and Eastern Asia to Northern Europe, South America, West Asia and Southeastern Asia in the macroscopic view. 2) The small-world characteristic of the investment network is prominent. The network is scale-free and shows a decrease overtime. 3) The countries that are active in the investment have higher control of the transnational investment network. The confounding factors influence the spatial reachability of the trans-national investment. 4) Ranked by the complexity (dissimilarity) of the transnational investment structure, the result from high to low is terminal invest countries, regional invest countries, normal invest countries and isolat-ed investment countries. Countries with different functional types have a clear trend of clustering.