Analyzing the Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Short-Term and Long-Term Government Bond Yields
Yuhyeon Bak,Cheol Jong Song,
The Korean Data Analysis Society
Abstract:This study analyzes the impact of Korean and foreign economic policy uncertainty on Korean short-term and long-term government bond yield. First of all, the effect of domestic economic policy uncertainty on short-term and long-term government bond yields was analyzed, and then relative policy uncertainty, which was constructed as a ratio of Korean economic policy uncertainty to foreign economic policy uncertainty, was used. Japan, China, and the United States were considered for foreign economic policy uncertainty. In addition, through principal component analysis, Korea's economic policy uncertainty was divided into Korea-specific factors and common factors with Japan, China and USA. The analysis results are as follows. First, Korea's economic policy uncertainty did not have a significant effect on long-term and short-term government bond yields. Second, Korea's unique factor in economic policy uncertainty was found to significantly increase short-term government bond yields. Third, the economic policy uncertainties of Japan, China, and the US have been shown to increase Korea's short-term government bond yields. Fourth, in case of analyzing the effect of relative economic policy uncertainty, Korea's short-term government bond yield rises when Korea's economic policy uncertainty is relatively greater than China's. This implies that the impact of uncertainty on government bond yields can be clearly understood only when economic policy uncertainty is distinguished as a country-specific factor and a common factor.