Kingsnake,Lampropeltis,Getulus Holbrooki,S. Secor
Abstract:The mating behavior of wild-caught speckled kingsnakes, Lampropeltis getulus holbrooki, was analyzed in a laboratory situation over a 3-yr period. Mating bouts were recorded on videotape and were divided into three phases for analysis: tactile-chase, tactile-alignment, and intromission and coitus. The behavioral motor patterns performed by the males include Touch, Mount, Chase, Chase-Mount, Dorsal-Advance Movement, Forward-Body Jerk, Writhe, Biting, TailSearch Copulatory Attempt, and Intromission. The mean duration, relative frequency, relative duration, and the sequence of these actions were analyzed. The relative frequency and duration of Forward-Body Jerk and Writhe differed significantly between Phases I and II. The major behavioral motor patterns were performed in a sequential pattern with Writhe being performed most frequently. Male tongue-flick and Forward-Body Jerk rates increased from Phase I to Phase II. The percent of body contact and specific dorsal contact between the mating pair increased from Phase I to II, then decreased during Phase III. The average durations of phases and specific actions performed are compared with other forms of Lampropeltis and other species of snakes. The durations of the three courtship phases of L. getulus holbrooki are relatively longer than those observed in other colubrid snakes.