The Influence Of Stored Energy On The Fatigue Crack Propagation Of Friction Stir Welded Aluminum Alloy

q l dai,q y shi,z f liang,gao qiang chen
Abstract:Fatigue crack propagation (FCP) rate was tested in friction stir welded (FSW) joint. The high FCP rate was detected in the stir zone (SZ) with refined grain size. Differential scanning calorimetry tests were conducted. The results showed that there was relatively higher energy stored in SZ. After releasing the stored energy, the resistance of FCP in SZ improved significantly while the grain size kept the same and the fatigue fractographs of crack propagated in SZ had translated from quasi-cleavage to plastic fatigue striation fracture. Those prove that the key reason leading to high FCP rate in SZ is the stored energy.
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