Syndrome Differentiation of Acupuncture and Electro-acupuncture and Massage Combined with Routine Comprehensive Rehabilitation Therapy Sciatica Caused by Lumbar Disc Parallel Randomized Controlled Study
liu xiantong,tao xing,ma tieming
Abstract:[Objective]To observe the efficacy of sciatica of syndrome type acupuncture combined with electro- acupuncture and massage routine comprehensive rehabilitation therapy. [Methods]According random parallel control method, 106 cases of Panjin city hospital Rehabilitation outpatient and inpatient randomly divided into two groups in treatment order number and number of medical record. Conventional comprehensive rehabilitation,1acute phase of mannitol infusion; vitamin B1, B12 intramuscular injection; salvia TMP intravenous injection and other symptomatic treatment;2VHF and intermediate frequency pulses. 53 cases in the control group massage, SET suspended, ipsilateral waist-hip and lower extremity soft roll, press, lead(given skin with your fingers gently suck induced pelvic forward extension activities), etc; spastic muscles(such as cords, etc.) released, bilateral symmetry coordination, following with the contralateral or the ipsilateral lumbar oblique pull method, left and right each time, to hear the snapping, reach the standard of deep layer of muscle coordination and joint disorders, spinous process back to normal, 1 times / d. Acupuncture treatment group of 53 patients, the needle were pierced in the fourth and the next fifth lumbar spinous process to three inches at the colon Yu, Guan Yuan Yu direction obliquely 3 inches. Needled when the propagated sensation along the sciatic nerve pathway. If acupuncture to patients caused Radioactive pain, prohibit strong stimulation, lift up the needle slightly.(humid with Yinlingquan, Xingjian, cold with Yaoyangguan, Shenshu, acupuncture and moxibustion; liver and kidney deficiency with Taixi, Taichong; stasis blood with Geshu, Weizhong, Ashi).Pricking method, choose two to four points acupuncture therapy device connected after the gas, density wave, frequency 1.5Hz, the intensity of patient tolerance, a slight twitch muscle appropriate; liver and kidney deficiency minimize electrical stimulation, the way as gently as possible, and fill method, 1 times / d. Massage therapy group is the same with the control group.10 d continuous treatment for a treatment interval 2d continue to the next one course of treatment. To observe clinical symptoms, such as waist function, leg foot numbness, adverse reactions. There are 2 courses of continuous treatment to determine efficacy. [Results]Treatment group were cured 36 cases, 12 cases were markedly, effective in 5 cases, invalid one case, the total efficiency of 98.11%. Clinical cured 30 cases in the control group, 15 cases markedly, effective in 5 cases, invalid 3 cases, the total efficiency of 94.34%. Treatment group Effective than the control group(P<0.05). [Conclusion]Acupuncture and electro-acupuncture and massage combined with routine comprehensive rehabilitation therapy sciatica caused by lumbar disc herniation, results were satisfactory, no serious adverse reactions, it is worth promoting.