Initial Fragmentation in the Infrared Dark Cloud G28.53?0.25

xing lu,qizhou zhang,ke wang,qiusheng gu
Abstract:To study the fragmentation and gravitational collapse of dense cores in infrared dark clouds (IRDCs), we have obtained submillimeter continuum and spectral line data as well as multiple inversion transitions of NH3 and H2O maser data of four massive clumps in IRDC G28.53-0.25. Combining single-dish and interferometer NH3 data, we derive a. rotation temperature of G28.53. We identity 12 dense cores at a 0.1 pc scale based on submillimeter continuum, and obtain their physical properties using NH3 and continuum data. By comparing the Jeans masses of cores with the core masses, we find that turbulent pressure is important for supporting the gas when 1 pc scale clumps fragment into 0.1 pc scale cores. All cores have a virial parameter that is smaller than 1 if we assume an inverse squared radial density profile, suggesting they are gravitationally bound, and the three most promising starforming cores have a virial parameter that is smaller than 1 even when taking the magnetic field into account. We also associate the cores with star formation activities revealed by outflows, masers, or infrared sources. Unlike what previous studies have suggested, MM1 turns out to harbor a few star-forming cores and is likely a progenitor of a high-mass star cluster. MM5 is intermediate while MM7/8 are quiescent in terms of star formation, but they also harbor gravitationally bound dense cores and have the potential for. forming stars, as in MM1.
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