Precise Measurements of Radio-Frequency Magnetic Susceptibility in Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Materials
M. D. Vannette,A. S. Sefat,S. Jia,S. A. Law,G. Lapertot,S. L. Bud'ko,P. C. Canfield,J. Schmalian,R. Prozorov
Abstract:Dynamic magnetic susceptibility, χ, was studied in several intermetallic materials exhibiting ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and metamagnetic transitions. Precise measurements by using a 14 MHz tunnel diode oscillator (TDO) allow detailed insight into the field and temperature dependence of χ. In particular, local moment ferromagnets show a sharp peak in χ(T) near the Curie temperature, T_c. The peak amplitude decreases and shifts to higher temperatures with very small applied dc fields. Anisotropic measurements of CeVSb_3 show that this peak is present provided the magnetic easy axis is aligned with the excitation field. In a striking contrast, small moment, itinerant ferromagnets (i.e., ZrZn_2) show a broad maximum in χ(T) that responds differently to applied field. We believe that TDO measurements provide a very sensitive way to distinguish between local and itinerant moment magnetic orders. Local moment antiferromagnets do not show a peak at the Néel temperature, T_N, but only a sharp decrease of χ below T_N due to the loss of spin-disorder scattering changing the penetration depth of the ac excitation field. Furthermore, we show that the TDO is capable of detecting changes in spin order as well as metamagnetic transitions. Finally, critical scaling of χ(T,H) in the vicinity of T_C is discussed in CeVSb_3 and CeAgSb_2.