The Eigenvalue Distribution on Schur Complement of Nonstrictly Diagonally Dominant Matrices and General H-matrices

Cheng-Yi Zhang,Shuanghua Luo,Fengmin Xu,Chengxian Xu
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
Abstract:The paper studies the eigenvalue distribution of Schur complements of some special matrices, including nonstrictly diagonally dominant matrices and general H-matrices. Zhang, Xu, and Li [Theorem 4.1, The eigenvalue distribution on Schur complements of H-matrices. Linear Algebra Appl., 422: 250-264, 2007] gave a condition for an nxn diagonally dominant matrix A to have |J(R+)(A)| eigenvalues with positive real part and |J(R-)(A)| eigenvalues with negative real part, where |J(R+)(A)| (|J(R-)(A)|) denotes the number of diagonal entries of A with positive (negative) real part. This condition is applied to establish some results about the eigenvalue distribution for the Schur complements of nonstrictly diagonally dominant matrices and general H-matrices with complex diagonal entries. Several conditions on the nxn matrix A and the subset alpha subset of N = {1, 2, ..., n} are presented so that the Schur complement A/alpha of A has |J(R+)(A)|-|J(R+)(alpha)(A)| eigenvalues with positive real part and |J(R-)(A)| - |J(R-)(alpha)(A)| eigenvalues with negative real part, where |J(R+)(alpha)(A)|(|J(R-)(alpha)(A)|) denotes the number of diagonal entries of the principal submatrix A(alpha) of A with positive (negative) real part.
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