A Non-Uniformity Correction Algorithm of Infrared Image Sequences Based on Constant-Statistics
Meng Siqi,Ren Kan,Lu Dongming,Gu Guohua,Chen Qian
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5768/jao201738.0206002
Journal of Applied Optics
Abstract:For infrared focal-plane array imaging system,scene-based non-uniformity correction is key technique to deal with fixed pattern noise.Existing algorithms are mainly restricted by convergence speed and ghosting artifacts.In this paper,a novel adaptive scene-based non-uniformity correction technique is presented,which is based on constant-statistics method (CS).Utilizing temporal statistics of infrared image sequences,the proposed method applies an alphatrimmed mean filter to estimate detector parameters and minimize sample asymptotic variance estimate.Performance of proposed technique is evaluated by simulation and real non-uniformity image.Experimental results show the proposed method inherits characteristics of fast convergence of CS method and increases peak signal to noise ratio by 44.5% and 32.9% respectively,and image ghost problem is improved obviously.