Laguerre-Freud Equations for the Generalized Charlier, Generalized Meixner and Gauss Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials
Itsaso Fernández-Irisarri,Manuel Mañas
Abstract:The Cholesky factorization of the moment matrix is considered for the generalized Charlier, generalized Meixner, and Gauss hypergeometric discrete orthogonal polynomials.
For the generalized Charlier, we present an alternative derivation of the Laguerre-Freud relations found by Smet and Van Assche. Third-order and second-order nonlinear ordinary differential equations are found for the recursion coefficient $\gamma_n$, that happen to be forms of the Painlevé $\text{deg-P}_{\text V}$ in disguise. Laguerre-Freud relations are also found for the generalized Meixner case, which are compared with those of Smet and Van Assche.
Finally, the Gauss hypergeometric discrete orthogonal polynomials, also known as generalized Hahn of type I, are also studied. Laguerre-Freud equations are found, and the differences with the equations found by Dominici and by Filipuk and Van Assche are provided.
Classical Analysis and ODEs,Mathematical Physics,Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems