Publisher’s Note: Branching Ratio of the Electromagnetic Decay of Theς+(1385)phys. Rev. D85, 052004 (2012)
D. Keller,K. Hicks,K. P. Adhikari,D. Adikaram,M. J. Amaryan,M. Anghinolfi,H. Baghdasaryan,J. Ball,M. Battaglieri,I. Bedlinskiy,A. S. Biselli,C. Bookwalter,S. Boiarinov,D. Branford,W. J. Briscoe,W. K. Brooks,V. D. Burkert,D. S. Carman,A. Celentano,S. Chandavar,P. L. Cole,M. Contalbrigo,V. Crede,A. D’Angelo,A. Daniel,N. Dashyan,R. De Vita,E. De Sanctis,C. Djalali,D. Doughty,R. Dupre,A. El Alaoui,L. El Fassi,L. Elouadrhiri,P. Eugenio,G. Fedotov,M. Y. Gabrielyan,N. Gevorgyan,G. P. Gilfoyle,K. L. Giovanetti,W. Gohn,E. Golovatch,R. W. Gothe,L. Graham,K. A. Griffioen,M. Guidal,N. Guler,L. Guo,K. Hafidi,H. Hakobyan,M. Holtrop,Y. Ilieva,D. G. Ireland,B. S. Ishkhanov,E. L. Isupov,H. S. Jo,K. Joo,M. Khandaker,P. Khetarpal,A. Kim,W. Kim,F. J. Klein,A. Kubarovsky,V. Kubarovsky,S. V. Kuleshov,H. Y. Lu,I. J. D. MacGregor,Y. Mao,N. Markov,M. Mayer,B. McKinnon,C. A. Meyer,T. Mineeva,M. Mirazita,V. Mokeev,H. Moutarde,E. Munevar,P. Nadel-Turonski,R. Nasseripour,S. Niccolai,G. Niculescu,I. Niculescu,M. Osipenko,A. I. Ostrovidov,M. Paolone,L. Pappalardo,R. Paremuzyan,K. Park,S. Park,E. Pasyuk,S. Anefalos Pereira,S. Pisano,O. Pogorelko,S. Pozdniakov,S. Procureur,Y. Prok,D. Protopopescu,B. A. Raue,G. Ricco,D. Rimal,M. Ripani,B. G. Ritchie,G. Rosner,P. Rossi,F. Sabatié,M. S. Saini,C. Salgado,D. Schott,R. A. Schumacher,H. Seraydaryan,Y. G. Sharabian,E. S. Smith,G. D. Smith,D. I. Sober,D. Sokhan,S. S. Stepanyan,S. Stepanyan,P. Stoler,S. Strauch,M. Taiuti,W. Tang,C. E. Taylor,S. Tkachenko,B. Vernarsky,M. F. Vineyard,A. V. Vlassov,H. Voskanyan,E. Voutier,D. P. Watts,M. H. Wood,N. Zachariou,L. Zana,B. Zhao,Z. W. Zhao
Abstract:The CLAS detector was used to obtain the first ever measurement of the electromagnetic decay of the $\Sigma^{*+}(1385)$ from the reaction $\gamma p \to K^0 \Sigma^{*+}(1385)$. A real photon beam with a maximum energy of 3.8 GeV was incident on a liquid-hydrogen target, resulting in the photoproduction of the kaon and $\Sigma^*$ hyperon. Kinematic fitting was used to separate the reaction channel from the background processes. The fitting algorithm exploited a new method to kinematically fit neutrons in the CLAS detector, leading to the partial width measurement of $250.0\pm56.9(stat)^{+34.3}_{-41.2}(sys)$ keV. A U-spin symmetry test using the SU(3) flavor-multiplet representation yields predictions for the $\Sigma^{*+}(1385)\to\Sigma^{+}\gamma$ and $\Sigma^{*0}(1385)\to\Lambda\gamma$ partial widths that agree with the experimental measurements.