Search for Majoron-emitting modes of $^{136}$Xe double beta decay with the complete EXO-200 dataset
S. Al Kharusi,G. Anton,I. Badhrees,P.S. Barbeau,D. Beck,V. Belov,T. Bhatta,M. Breidenbach,T. Brunner,G.F. Cao,W.R. Cen,C. Chambers,B. Cleveland,M. Coon,A. Craycraft,T. Daniels,L. Darroch,S.J. Daugherty,J. Davis,S. Delaquis,A. Der Mesrobian-Kabakian,R. DeVoe,J. Dilling,A. Dolgolenko,M.J. Dolinski,J. Echevers,W. Fairbank Jr.,D. Fairbank,J. Farine,S. Feyzbakhsh,P. Fierlinger,D. Fudenberg,P. Gautam,R. Gornea,G. Gratta,C. Hall,E.V. Hansen,J. Hoessl,P. Hufschmidt,M. Hughes,A. Iverson,A. Jamil,C. Jessiman,M.J. Jewell,A. Johnson,A. Karelin,L.J. Kaufman,T. Koffas,R. Krucken,A. Kuchenkov,K.S. Kumar,Y. Lan,A. Larson,B.G. Lenardo,D.S. Leonard,G.S. Li,S. Li,Z. Li,C. Licciardi,Y.H. Lin,R. MacLellan,T. McElroy,T. Michel,B. Mong,D.C. Moore,K. Murray,O. Njoya,O. Nusair,A. Odian,I. Ostrovskiy,A. Perna,A. Piepke,A. Pocar,F. Retiere,A.L. Robinson,P.C. Rowson,D. Rudde,J. Runge,S. Schmidt,D. Sinclair,K. Skarpaas,A.K. Soma,V. Stekhanov,M. Tarka,S. Thibado,J. Todd,T. Tolba,T.I. Totev,R. Tsang,B. Veenstra,V. Veeraraghavan,P. Vogel,J.-L. Vuilleumier,M. Wagenpfeil,J. Watkins,M. Weber,L.J. Wen,U. Wichoski,G. Wrede,S.X. Wu,Q. Xia,D.R. Yahne,L. Yang,Y.-R. Yen,O.Ya. Zeldovich,T. Ziegler,et al. (6 additional authors not shown)
Abstract:A search for Majoron-emitting modes of the neutrinoless double-beta decay of $^{136}$Xe is performed with the full EXO-200 dataset. This dataset consists of a total $^{136}$Xe exposure of 234.1 kg$\cdot$yr, and includes data with detector upgrades that have improved the energy threshold relative to previous searches. A lower limit of T$_{1/2}^{\rm{^{136}Xe}}>$4.3$\cdot$10$^{24}$ yr at 90\% C.L. on the half-life of the spectral index $n=1$ Majoron decay was obtained, a factor of 3.6 more stringent than the previous limit from EXO-200, corresponding to a constraint on the Majoron-neutrino coupling constant of $|\langle g_{ee}^{M}\rangle|$$<(0.4$-$0.9)\cdot10^{-5}$. The lower threshold and the additional data taken resulted in a factor 8.4 improvement for the $n=7$ mode compared to the previous EXO search. This search provides the most stringent limits to-date on the Majoron-emitting decays of $^{136}$Xe with spectral indices $n=1,2,3,$ and 7.
High Energy Physics - Experiment,Nuclear Experiment