Homoclinic Orbits for an Unbounded Superquadratic
Jun Wang,Junxiang Xu,Fubao Zhang,Lei Wang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00030-010-0060-7
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA
Abstract:We consider the following nonperiodic diffusion systems {[ ∂_tu-_xu+b(t,x)∇_xu+V(x)u=G_v (t,x,u,v),; -∂_tv-_xv-b(t,x)∇_xv+V(x)v=G_u (t,x,u,v), ]. ∀(t,x)∈ℝ×ℝ^N, where b∈ C(ℝ×ℝ^N,ℝ^N), G∈ C^1 (ℝ×ℝ^N×ℝ^2m,ℝ) and z:=(u,v): ℝ×ℝ^N→ℝ^m×ℝ^m . Suppose that the potential V is positive constant and G ( t , x , z ) is superquadratic in z as | z | → ∞. By applying a generalized linking theorem for strongly indefinite functionals, we obtain homoclinic solutions z satisfying z ( t , x ) → 0 as |( t , x )| → ∞.