Upgrade of the CMS Muon System with Triple-Gem Detectors

D. Abbaneo,M. Abbas,M. Abbrescia,A. A. Abdelalim,M. Abi Akl,O. Aboamer,D. Acosta,A. Ahmad,W. Ahmed,A. Aleksandrov,R. Aly,P. Altieri,C. Asawatangtrakuldee,P. Aspell,Y. Assran,I. Awan,S. Bally,Y. Ban,S. Banerjee,V. Barashko,P. Barria,G. Bencze,N. Beni,L. Benussi,V. Bhopatkar,S. Bianco,J. Bos,O. Bouhali,A. Braghieri,S. Braibant,S. Buontempo,C. Calabria,M. Caponero,C. Caputo,F. Cassese,A. Castaneda,S. Cauwenbergh,F. R. Cavallo,A. Celik,M. Choi,S. Choi,J. Christiansen,A. Cimmino,S. Colafranceschi,A. Colaleo,A. Conde Garcia,S. Czellar,M. M. Dabrowski,G. De Lentdecker,R. De Oliveira,G. De Robertis,S. Dildick,B. Dorney,W. Elmetenawee,G. Endroczi,E. Errico,A. Fenyvesi,S. Ferry,I. Furic,P. Giacomelli,J. Gilmore,V. Golovtsov,L. Guiducci,F. Guilloux,A. Gutierrez,R. M. Hadjiiska,A. Hassan,J. Hauser,K. Hoepfner,M. Hohlmann,H. Hoorani,P. Iaydjiev,Y. G. Jeng,T. Kamon,P. Karchin,A. Korytov,S. Krutelyov,A. Kumar,H. Kim,J. Lee,T. Lenzi,L. Litov,F. Loddo,A. Madorsky,T. Maerschalk,M. Maggi,A. Magnani,P. K. Mal,K. Mandal,A. Marchioro,A. Marinov,R. Masod,N. Majumdar,J. A. Merlin,G. Mitselmakher,A. K. Mohanty,S. Mohamed,A. Mohapatra,J. Molnar,S. Muhammad,S. Mukhopadhyay,M. Naimuddin,S. Nuzzo,E. Oliveri,L. M. Pant,P. Paolucci,I. Park,G. Passeggio,B. Pavlov,B. Philipps,D. Piccolo,H. Postema,A. Puig Baranac,A. Radi,R. Radogna,G. Raffone,A. Ranieri,G. Rashevski,C. Riccardi,M. Rodozov,A. Rodrigues,L. Ropelewski,S. RoyChowdhury,G. Ryu,M. S. Ryu,A. Safonov,S. Salva,G. Saviano,A. Sharma,R. Sharma,A. H. Shah,M. Shopova,J. Sturdy,G. Sultanov,S. K. Swain,Z. Szillasi,J. Talvitie,A. Tatarinov,T. Tuuva,M. Tytgat,I. Vai,M. Van Stenis,R. Venditti,E. Verhagen,P. Verwilligen,P. Vitulo,S. Volkov,A. Vorobyev,D. Wang,M. Wang,U. Yang,Y. Yang,R. Yonamine,N. Zaganidis,F. Zenoni,A. Zhang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/9/12/c12035
Abstract:The CMS collaboration considers upgrading the muon detector in the forward region using a technology of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) chambers, which are able to handle the extreme particle rates expected in this region along with a high spatial resolution. This allows to improve tracking and triggering capabilities, resulting in a lower trigger threshold along with redundant muon identification. The contribution will review the status of the GEM project at CMS.
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