Application of Autogeneic Cartilage in Hearing Reconstruction Surgery
Jia Huan,Wang Zhaoyan,Huang Qi,Yang Jun,Wu Hao
Abstract:Objective To study the applications and outcomes of using autogeneic cartilage in hearing reconstruction surgery in patients with chronic otitis media or cholesteatoma.Methods A total of 165patients(173ears) in whom autogeneic cartilage was used were analyzed retrospectively.Forty-three patients(48ears)had simple tympanic membrane perforations,61patients(61ears)had cholesteatomas including 12retraction pockets,23patients(23ears)had tympanoscleroses and 38patients(41ears)had otitis media with granulations.The cartilage grafts were used for tympanic perforation reparing in 133patients(139ears),for ossiculoplasty in 102patients(104 ears),for attic reconstruction in 31patients(31ears)and for canal wall reconstruction of external auditory canal in 3patients(3ears).The auditory outcome(0.5,1,2,and 4kHz pure tone average hearing threshold,the average air-bone gap)and local architecture status were followed up for 1year after surgery.Results In 133patients(139 ears)with tympanic perforation,the rate of successful repair of a tympanic membrame perforation in one-stage was 97.84% with perforation repair in 136ears and postoperative perforation in 3ears.In 102patients(104ears)of ossiculoplasty,there was no ossicular prostheses prolapse.In 31patients(31ears)of attic reconstruction,no local graft shift or collapse was found.In 3patients(3ears)of external auditory canal repair,no canal wall collapse occurred.In myringoplasty group(43patients,48ears),preoperative and postoperative air-bone gap(ABG)was 23.8±3.1 dB and 11.6±8.7dB,respectively.In cholesteatoma group(61patients,61ears),preoperative and postoperative ABG were 39.2±24.7dB and 19.0±12.1dB,respectively.In tympanosclerosis group(23patients,23ears),preoperative and postoperative ABG were 31.2±12.4dB and 19.8±11.2dB,respectively.In otitis media with granulation group(38patients,41ears),preoperative and postoperative ABG were 41.6±9.9dB and 15.3±13.4dB,respectively.Conclusion Autogeneic cartilage is very valuable in hearing reconstruction surgery,especially in complicated tympanic perforation,combination with ossiculoplasty prostheses,or reconstruction of mastoid cavity or external call wall defect.