Plant community of Pinus taiwanensis + Pseudotaxus chienii-Rhododendron simiarum from Sanqing Mountain, China
SHEN Rujiang,GUO Wei,LIAO Wenbo,PENG Shaolin,CHEN Hui
Abstract:According to a field survey and analysis of plot data, the characteristics of plant community of Pinus taiwanensis -Pseudotaxus chienii - Rhododendron simiarum from Sanqing Mountain in Jingxi province, China, were studied. The results showed that, (1) viewing from the composes, perform and color, and structure of community, it is protected well, a typical conifer- and broad-leaved mixed forest in the middle subtropics. The geographical elements are characterized by the tropical genera (52.60%) and temperate genera (46.08%). Based on the Impotance Value, the community composes is characterized by the typical families, such as Ericaceae (24.38%), Pinaceae (22.93%), Theaceae (19.45%) and Fagaceae (10.27%), and so on, which the main dominant species are such as Rhododendron simiarum (64.53%), Pinus taiwanensis (56.11%), Pseudotaxus chienii (29.36%), Schima superba (19.68%), Eurya macartneyi (15.99%), Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia (15.82%), Cleyera pachyphylla (15.79%), and so on. (2) The Simpson index is 1.00, and the Shannon-Wiener index is 3.66. But the frequency grades is A>B>C<D>E, which is different from Ranuki- aer’s law of frequency. (3) The community composes is with many dominant species, and they are belonged to declining populations. And the extent of decline, in turn, is Pinus taiwanensis>Rhododendron simiarum>Schima superba>Pseudotaxus chienii >Eurya macartneyi > Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia >Cleyera pachyphylla. (4) The analysis of the life forum show that the phanero- phytes are preponderant (70.31%), and the chamaephytes are abundant (25.32%). But it also has some hemicryptophytes (2.13%) and cryptophytes (2.13%). (5) In community construction, the tree layer can be divided into two layers obviously, which the first layer was characterized by Pinus taiwanensis, Schima superba, Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia, and Pinus taiwanensis has the predomi- nance when the layer is over 10 m, and second layer was Rhododendron simiarum, Pseudotaxus chienii, Eurya macartneyi, and Cleyera pachyphylla. Meanwhile, the Rhododendron simiarum has the predominance in the lower layer, which their cover rate 0.6~0.98, and is going to be against renewal of the seedlings of Pinus taiwanensis and Pseudotaxus chienii. (6) As a whole, this community is a typical evergreen broad-leaved forest in middle-subtropic zone, which it has higher bio-diversity and evenness, and all the dominant species are belonged to declining populations, but it is belonged to a steady community.